Age Rating Of Avatar: Parents Guide (7 Big Things)

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It’s been 13 years since Avatar was released in theaters. Ramping up for Avatar: The Way Of Water, the movie has gotten a new following. Your kids may be asking if they can see this one. But can they? What is the true age rating of Avatar (2009)? Can your kids watch this one? We’re covering the 7 big things parents need to know about the age rating for Avatar (2009) in this parents guide.

Avatar movie poster. What is the age rating of Avatar?

About Avatar (2009)

The year is 2154, and Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) is a former Marine confined to a wheelchair, yet, despite his physical limitations, Jake remains a warrior at heart.

He is recruited to travel light years across the universe to a human outpost on Pandora, where a corporate consortium is mining a rare mineral that is the key to solving Earth’s energy crisis.

Because Pandora’s atmosphere is toxic, they have created the Avatar Program, in which human “drivers” have their consciousness linked to an avatar, a remotely controlled biological body that can survive in the lethal air.

These avatars are genetically engineered hybrids of human DNA mixed with DNA from the natives of Pandora… the Na’vi.

Reborn in avatar form, Jake can walk again, and he is given a mission to infiltrate the Na’vi, who have become a major obstacle to mining the precious ore.

But after a beautiful Na’vi female, Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), saves Jake’s life, everything changes. Jake is taken in by her clan and learns to become one of them by completing tests of strength and courage.

As Jake’s relationship with his reluctant teacher Neytiri deepens, he learns to respect the Na’vi way and
finally takes his place among the indigenous tribe.

Soon, events draw him into a clash of civilizations, and Jake faces the ultimate test as he leads a monumental battle that will decide the fate of an entire world.

Watch the Avatar 1 Trailer here.

Read the top quotes from Avatar (2009).

Read the Avatar 2 Parents Guide here.

How To Watch All the Avatar Movies in Order

Is Avatar ok for kids? Parents Guide. Jake Sully (voiced by Sam Worthington) and Neytiri (voiced by Zoe Saldana)
(L-R): Jake Sully (voiced by Sam Worthington) and Neytiri (voiced by Zoe Saldana) in Twentieth Century Fox’s AVATAR. Photo courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox. © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.

Age Rating Of Avatar: Parents Guide (7 Big Things)

It’s been a hot minute since we’ve seen Avatar on the big screen.

But Fox Studios has 4 more of these movies planned, so it may be time for a rewatch.

But can your kids watch this one? What is the age rating of Avatar (2009)?

This parent’s guide will help you decide if your family can handle the seven big issues with movies and shows: mature topics, gore, violence, language, sex, romance, and nudity. We’ll also give the Avatar age rating and age-appropriate recommendations.

Age rating for Avatar (2009) Parent guide. ikran and hunter flying.
Jake Sully (voiced by Sam Worthington) riding the Great Leonopteryx Toruk in Twentieth Century Fox’s AVATAR. © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.


Avatar has strong language.

It doesn’t take long for the swear words to start flowing, and they don’t really ease up.

Here’s what the kids will hear in Avatar:

  • @ss
  • g-d d@mn
  • bull sh!t, holy sh!t
  • numb nuts
  • h@ll hole
  • limp dick
  • hell yeah
  • p!ss
  • b!tch
  • J@sus
  • d@mn
  • OMG
  • cr@p
  • shut your pie hole
sex in Avatar parents guide and age rating.
(L-R): Jake Sully (voiced by Sam Worthington) and Neytiri (voiced by Zoe Saldana) in Twentieth Century Fox’s AVATAR. © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.

Age Rating For Avatar: Is It Safe For Teens When It Comes To Sex, Romance, and Nudity?

There is no overt nudity in Avatar.

The Navi wear little clothing. While this isn’t sexual, you will see characters with g-string-type loin clothes barely covering their bodies.

The females have breasts but they are covered in a variety of ways.

Two characters have a lot of sensual chemistry and there is a short love scene. There is kissing and the two spend the night together.

Sigourney Weaver as Dr. Grace Augustine. Age rating for Avatar (2009) and parents guide.
Sigourney Weaver as Dr. Grace Augustine in Twentieth Century Fox’s AVATAR. © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.

Violence and Gore: Is Avatar Too Scary For Kids Under 13?

There are a lot of fight scenes and powerful moments in Avatar.

While it isn’t particularly gory, it definitely is intense.

There are jump scares, animal attacks, war scenes, and deaths. Corpses are shown (animal and human).

The deaths come from guns, arrows, missiles, crushings, stabbings, being thrown from aircraft, and impalements, and the final battle scene is extremely emotional.

Depending on how your child handles action movies and animal deaths, Avatar may be too scary for kids under 13.

Jake Sully in Avatar. Is Avatar Kid friendly and ok for children?
Sam Worthington as Jake Sully in Twentieth Century Fox’s AVATAR. Photo by Mark Fellman. © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.

Is Avatar Ok For Kids: Mature Topics

There’s smoking and drinking in the movie.

A paraplegic is made fun of on multiple occasions with unkind phrases.

The entire story focuses on the human race taking over and controlling what they see as a weaker species. The natives are treated poorly and expected to yield to the humans who want their land.

There are some sexual jokes that could go over young kids’ heads and a mating ritual that happens.

Avatar yelling. What is the age rating for Avatar? Parents guide.
Jake Sully (voiced by Sam Worthington) in Twentieth Century Fox’s AVATAR. © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.

Avatar Age Rating: What Ages Can Really Watch This One?

Avatar is Rated PG-13 for battle sequences, violence, warfare, sensuality, language, and smoking.

But is Avatar appropriate for kids under 13?

Parents Guide: Is Avatar Appropriate For Kids Under 13?

Avatar is intense and has a lot of dramatic moments surrounding death and warfare.

As always, you know your child best.

It’s incredibly long at 2 hours and 41 minutes. The length of the movie may make Avatar hard for young kids to sit through in the theater.

The good news: you can stream it on Disney+/

We think kids ages 9 and up could likely watch Avatar as long as language and the overall violence is not a concern for a sensitive child.

Avatar re-release in theaters. Is it ok for kids? age rating and parents guide.
(L-R): A Palulukan and Jake Sully (voiced by Sam Worthington) in Twentieth Century Fox’s AVATAR. Photo courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox. © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox. All Rights Reserved.

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