Age Rating Of Bones and All: Parents Guide (7 Big Things)

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Teens might be asking if they can see this one. The star power is there! But can they? What is the true age rating of Bones and All? Can your kids watch this one? We’re coving the 7 big things parents need to know about the age rating for Bones and All in this parents guide.

age rating of bones-and-all parents guide

About Bones and All (2022 Movie)

Bones and All is a story of first love between Maren, a young woman learning how to survive on the margins of society, and Lee, an intense and disenfranchised drifter; a liberating road odyssey of two young people coming into their own, searching for identity and chasing beauty in a perilous world that cannot abide who they are.

Watch the Bones and All trailer here.

age rating of bones and all

Age Rating of Bones and All: Parents Guide (7 Big Things)

Can your kids watch this one? What is the age rating of Bones and All?

This parent’s guide will help you decide if your family can handle the seven big issues with movies and shows: mature topics, gore, violence, language, sex, romance, and nudity. We’ll also give the Bones and All age rating and age-appropriate recommendations.


While this probably isn’t the biggest concern in the movie, your teens will hear a lot of swears in Bones and All.

Words in the movie include many uses of:

  • F-bombs
  • sh!t
  • @sshole
  • f@ggot
  • c@nt
  • p!ss

Age Rating of Bones and All: Is It Safe For Teens When It Comes To Sex, Romance, and Nudity?

The movie has some romantic moments and storylines, but there’s a dramatic shift that makes this more horror than romance.

There are sexual acts and visuals happening all while cannibalism is going on at the same time.

A disturbing masturbation scene culminates with slitting a throat and a woman’s breasts are seen while she is being eaten by other people.

There is nudity in Bones and All of a graphic nature as its combined with death and gore.


bones and all age rating

Violence and Gore: Is Bones and All Too Scary For Kids Under 17?

Man, this movie is gross.

There are plenty of up-close visuals of bloody mouths and gnashing teeth ripping into human flesh.

Characters are beaten, stabbed and bitten to death.


– one character bites everything but the bone off of another character’s hand, so there is a lot of screaming and blood

– graphic description of a character after being bitten a lot by another character

– multiple characters graphically eat dead/alive characters

– one character keeps a giant rope of hair from his victims

– visual of a partially eaten woman

– characters are often covered in other people’s blood

– character slits another character’s throat

– character throws up blood

– one character attempts to choke/kill another character

– character is alluded to having chewed her hands off

– features one of the creepiest on-screen men I have ever seen

– character suffocated with a plastic bag over his head

– character stabbed multiple times in the chest

– one character reaches her hand into another character and pulls out an organ while the character is still alive

– one character eats another character while he’s still alive

At times you flinch and want to look away, so unless your kids have a strong capacity for gore and violence, we’d say this is a skip for your tweens and most teens.

Is Bones and All Ok For Kids: Mature Topics

The entire movie is about cannibalism, so right off the bat, the topic of the movie is not kid-friendly.

In addition to teens and adults eating people, characters are also seen drinking alcohol and smoking.

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Bones and All Age Rating: What Ages Can Really Watch This One?

Bones and All is Rated R for strong, bloody, and disturbing violent content, language throughout, some sexual content, and brief graphic nudity.

If your kid does well with horror… can they see Bones and All in the theater?

Parents Guide: Is Bones and All Appropriate For Kids Under 17?

We vote that most parents should stick with the 17 and up age rating for teens, despite the strong pull to see Timothee Chalamet in action.

If you are fairly permissive with gore and sex, 16 and up could be ok for mature teens.

It’s a lot, and cannibalism is really not a kid-friendly topic no matter how you try to spin it.

bones and all parents guide

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