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The Best Disney+ Memes

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While you’re waiting for your service to connect (ahem) need a way to pass the time? How about a Disney+ meme harvest? Because that is what the internet was made for! Here are the best Disney+ memes to pass the time until we can all start streaming our shows!

Disney Plus Memes Anna from Frozen

I got on last night (around 2 am) and man… I’m feeling the lack of sleep this morning. 

But so worth it. I downloaded High School Musical (all three original movies) so I never have to go without again. We’re all in this together, Wildcats! 

Go ahead and download the app and pick your favorite show to watch first. I know, I know, easier said than done since there are a few tech issues being reported. 

Hang in there, friends! 

What should you watch first on Day 1 of Disney Plus?

What To Watch First on Disney+

Need a suggestion (or 9) on what to watch first on Disney+?

Here are my favorite shows so far:

The Best Disney Plus Memes

Alright, let’s get to the Disney+ memes! Because leading up to Disney+ there’s been a lot of fun ones out there. 

And a few of them are pretty spot on when it comes to my household. 

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Disney Plus meme


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rocketeer meme disney plus


The Mandalorian perfect day disney plus meme

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