
Born in China Review and Family Activities

Born in China, Disneynature’s newest film, opens in theaters on April 21, just in time for Eath Day. Who doesn’t want to see some adorable pandas and monkeys to celebrate the wonder that is nature? Here’s a family friendly Born in China review.

Since I’m a fan of The Office, I knew hearing John Krasinski narrate the film would add some humor to the movie and gave an enthusiastic ‘yes!’ to the offer of tickets for my family to see the film.

Born in China Review and free printable activity sheets for the family


Born in China Review

Born in China follows the stories of three animal families and (spoiler alert) you will fall in love with them all.  Awwwwww!

There’s the mother snow leopard, Dawa, who’s life is hard as she raises two cubs in an unforgiving environment.

There’s the panda bear mother, a true proverbial mama bear, guiding her growing baby Mei Mei (cutest. thing. ever!) through the early stages of life.

We also meet Tao Tao, a two-year-old golden monkey who feels a little sibling rivalry so he joins a gang. Thanks, sis!

Ok, not really, but he does seek other companionship outside of the group, that little rebel. He’s simply adorable and (don’t tell the others) he was my family’s favorite.

Born in China Review and activity sheets for the family

Born in China is rated G, which you’d expect from a Disneynature film. There is no bad language or sexual content.

Sensitive child warning: As with any nature film, you know there will be a few tense moments. It’s wildlife: so things, er, happen.

Survival of the fittest and all that. Super sensitive children or young children may have questions afterward. Be prepared with some tissues and life and death type questions after the movie.

I took all my children (5 to 14) to the movie and everyone enjoyed it. They managed to make it past the sad and see the beautiful message of the film. Oh- and also want to go to China and save all the animals, naturally.

John Krasinski does an excellent job with the narration, as I’d expected. He’s funny but can strike a serious note when it was appropriate.

Born in China Review and activity sheets for the family

If you go see Disneynature’s Born in China during the opening week (next week, folks! April 21-27) you’ll also be doing a good thing.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) will receive a donation from Disneynature based on opening week attendance. The funds will go to help protect wild pandas and snow leopards in China.

What’s great about the Disneynature films is the chance to show our children the world past our front doors. We can’t all travel to China (sorry, kids!) but we certainly can learn more about the country and it’s inhabitants.

Your family can learn more about Born in China and the animals featured by checking out this Family Activity Packet.

Click HERE or on the image below to download & explore!Born in China Review and activity sheets for the family


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