shang-chi Simu Liu at Comic-Con
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Fangirling Marvel’s Simu Liu (AKA Shang-Chi)

FANGIRLING SIMU LIU Marvel took over San Diego Comic-Con in a very big way last weekend. They announced a slew of Phase 4 projects that has all of us Marvel fangirls excited for the future. One movie caught my attention: Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. The newest Marvel superhero is Simu Liu…

Don't Touch Lola from Agent's of SHIELD

Marvel Announces D23 Expo Plans And I Want It ALL

Avengers: Assemble at D23 Expo. Because it’s almost go-time! The D23 Expo is held in Anaheim on August 23-25 and Marvel just announced the plans for it’s show floor presence. Panels, Stage Events, Merchandise – and, oh, guest appearances. Here’s what Marvel will do at the D23 Expo!   Marvel Announces D23 Expo Plans I…