
Ew David! Fangirling Schitt’s Creek and Dan Levy


The Canadian sitcom just nabbed 4 Emmy nominations. And I feel that needs to be celebrated. (See what I did there?) So I’m dropping the Schitt’s Creek fangirling episode a few days early on the No-Guilt Fangirls podcast. 

Schitts Creek Cast

Ew David! Fangirling Schitt’s Creek and Dan Levy

Because this show: is Simply The Best. 

And so is Dan Levy. 

Get a little Schitty with us as we talk about our favorite characters and moments from the first 4 seasons. What happens at a Schitt’s Creek Live Event and hear why I haven’t gotten to season 5 just yet!

Today’s guest is Jaime Sather, a true fangirl of all things pop culture and one of the people I can blame for this new obsession. Because, yep, I’m obsessed. 

Parent TV Review

This is rated TV-MA but, I gotta admit, I’m encouraging my older teens to watch this series. 

While there is a lot of language and adult situations and discussions of sex I’m still sending my kids in this direction. 

Think 14 and up. 

There’s so much love and acceptance and truth happening in this show that it absolutely needs to be celebrated by all ages. 

Fangirling the Emmy nominated Schitt's Creek on the podcast


Schitt’s Creek Live

Jaime kindly shared these pics and video with us. 

I think there’s only a couple of options left to see this show, but if you can go, GO! 

schitts creek live event in austin tx


schitts creek Alexis at the live event in austin tx


Where Can You Find the No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast?

Am I happy that I added another fandom? You know it! And I hope Stranger Things isn’t the last one to come into my world. But I can’t fangirl alone, or without your help, and I want to hear what you love too. 

Subscribe, review, or throw some of those 5-stars up there! Help other fangirls like YOU find the podcast- it’s no fun fangirling on your own, amirite?

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