What It’s Like to Be a Fangirl in the Wrestling World

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You know what I say around here: it’s ok to like what you like! This week we’re taking a deep dive into the wild world of wrestling fandom to learn what it’s like to be a fangirl in the wrestling world. Meet wrestling lover, April, on this weeks No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast. 

April wrestling fangirl

Can you SMEEELLL what the Fangirl is cooking? Fangirling the World of Wrestling

I don’t follow wrestling… anymore. But I did long, long ago in a childhood far, far away. 

April, however, still fangirls the sports entertainment genre hard. She’s on today to set the record straight: real or fake? And explain what it’s like to be a fangirl in a male-dominated arena. 

Her top three reasons why it’s cool to be a wrestling fangirl are spot on!

Find April on Twitter @aprilandpj and @wheretonextapril on Instagram. She’s basically there every Monday night for RAW.

Kevin Owens and a young fan

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Where Can You Find the No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast?

Am I happy that I added another fandom? You know it! And I hope Stranger Things isn’t the last one to come into my world. But I can’t fangirl alone, or without your help, and I want to hear what you love too. 

Subscribe, review, or throw some of those 5-stars up there! Help other fangirls like YOU find the podcast- it’s no fun fangirling on your own, amirite?

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