
Monday Movie Minute: Hobbs & Shaw, Otherhood, Descendants 3 Reviews

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This week we have a movie from the theaters, one from Netflix, and one from the Disney Channel. It’s some kind of trifecta of movie watching, eh? Reviews for Hobbs & Shaw, Otherhood, Descendants 3 are on the No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast. 

Descendants 3 review, Hobbs and Shaw review, Otherhood review

Monday Movie Minute: Hobbs & Shaw, Otherhood, Descendants 3 Reviews

Happy Monday everyone! We gotta discuss what happened at the box office and on my couch this weekend. Hey, anything to make Monday a little better!

Thanks for joining the No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast Monday Movie Minute for August 5.

Topics this week (including parent movie reviews- you gotta know if these are safe for kids, right?! Right!)

Plus a peek at the box office with a surprise in 7th place this week.

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Monday Movie Minute Podcast Transcript for 8/5/2019

*Please note: this is unedited and transcribed by AI- so it’s not perfect. But hopefully its helpful for those that prefer or have a need to read rather than listen.  – Patty

Hey y’all Welcome to the no guilt fangirls podcast. I’m Patty Holliday, your head fangirl in charge. And this is the Monday movie minute for August 5.

Every Monday, we are going to chat about the movies that came out what we saw last week, what’s happening at the box office. You know, pretty much anything goes as long as it’s movie related.

Now, I saw three movies this week that I’m going to cover, a one in the theater, one on Netflix and one on the Disney Channel. three guesses which one that was guys.

So this week, we are going to talk about in the theater I saw Fast and Furious presents hubs in shop on Netflix, other hood. And the Disney Channel show was of course descendants three.

But first, we are also going to talk about the box office because I am just fascinated by the numbers. And what happens in this week. It’s a it’s there’s kind of a story going on. It’s kind of cool.

So not any surprise to anybody but faster presents hubs and Shah came in at over 16 million in the number one slot. No big surprise as far as it being number one. I was a little surprised by how how much that was. That was a lot of money. But when I saw the movie and I figured once word got out, people people are going to go and see this plus there wasn’t there wasn’t really anything competing up against it. As far as a new big like summer blockbuster type thing coming out. So it didn’t make sense that it made it a good chunk of change. And number two is still the Lion King once upon a time in Hollywood. And that said, just over 40 million. Spider Man far from home is number four. Number five is Toy Story for number six is yesterday. And number seven is the farewell now the farewell is that one that was kind of alluding to a minute ago. This one is up over 60% over last weekend. Now it’s also in more theaters, they pretty much almost doubled the theaters not exactly but almost doubled the theaters. That’s still a big pig percentage of people are a lot more people are going to go see this movie than than I thought they would to be honest. I don’t know if it’s the buzz that it’s getting. I don’t know. I don’t know what it is. But it’s it’s really good movie. And every single reviewer that I have have seen has basically been giving Aquafina some major, major props for for going outside of her traditional roles that she does, and it’s a good movie. It’s a good movie, guys. I know I talked about it last week. I don’t think it’s something that most kids are interested in. So definitely leave them at home. I just, it’s pretty heavy. It’s it’s clean, but it’s pretty heavy. But you can go listen to that podcast, if you want to listen to that one. I was just tickled that they moved up. They think they were like in the 11 spot maybe last last week. And here they are. Now I think they broke the top 10. And here they are at seven, you know, which I thought was pretty impressive for kind of this, the small, smaller film that’s not out in a ton of theaters. Number eight is crawl number nine is a Latin which I gotta be honest, I am surprised the Latin is still is still hanging in there. Being in the Disney World, you have very strong feelings about this movie. You really either loved it, or you really really hated it. And I wondered if that buzz would affect how many people later in the summer would be willing to go to the movies to see it. But it’s still kicking. It’s still hanging in there. So go ahead and I liked it. For anyone that wanted to know. I did like it. And then Annabel comes home is at number 10. So there’s your box office. Alright, we’re going to start with Hobbs in Sha it’s the newest movie out and it just opened this week. So it’s making a big splash and it’s going to be out out for a while surprised me the most I’ll say up front. I am not a fast and the furious fangirl. I have seen some of the movies. I liked them well enough. I like them for what they are. But I am not, you know one of those folks who are really tied up with the family and and all of that. So I went into Hobbs and Shaw. I will also admit I have a bias for

Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham. I think they are both underrated actors. Yes, they’re good looking guys. Yes, they have the action chops. They can do all of that, but I actually think are also pretty impressive actors. And I don’t think they get enough love on that level. And so I was I was going to the movie just to give them that support, to be honest with you. I wanted to I want to see them in more things. And I know everyone’s like, well, isn’t the rock like the highest paid actor in the world right now? Something like that. I don’t think he’s really, you know, too worried about what I think. But I like you, Dwayne, I like you. So that’s why I went ahead and went to this one on opening night. And it surprised me I had so much fun with this movie, guys. This movie is just pure ridiculousness. And it knows it. I mean, right off the bat, you know how self aware it is

when Idris Elba is asked

who the eff are you? Or who the heck are you? I can’t remember exactly which word they use. But you know, they say something like basically Who are you tough guy. And he responds, I’m the bad guy. It was was brilliant. But it also made me go. Okay, so this is how it is. This is where we’re going with that. Alright, alright, so it just, it just gets sillier and crazier from there. But in a way that surprisingly works. At least for me. I never rolled my eyes too hard. I never thought another action sequence I need to walk out of here. I’m bored. Because I do get bored if the action is too much or goes on too long. I lose interest never felt that way never felt that way with any of them. The stunts were crazy. Obviously never going to happen. not realistic. Absolutely. Ridiculous. Like I said before, but still a lot of fun. I just I had a good time. I mean, I had more fun during this movie than anything else the summer and yes, that even includes Spider Man far from home. And you guys know how much I love Marvel and the MC you and I thought this was more fun for me. Now don’t get me wrong. Don’t get me wrong, far from home as a superior movie is such a better movie by far on pretty much every level. But this had me laughing and cheering and you know, I don’t know, maybe I just needed to kind of check out mentally and have a good good fun romp at the movie theater. And this movie totally provided that don’t think just let the fun happen and you’ll get more out of it. I thought the characters were likable and entertaining. Again, I like Johnson I like stay them. So that wasn’t hard to to enjoy. Vanessa Carvey was great. She really was fantastic. And I liked how, you know, sometimes with the Fast and Furious movies, there’s a lot of they degrade women. And they they don’t treat women that great. Well, she was equal with these guys. And they knew it. And they gave her that respect. So I appreciated that. Yeah, yeah, I really just think that if you if you’re into the franchise, then you’re probably going to like this too. But I can’t speak to how it ties in with the others. on that level on on, if you’ll like the way those things fit, because I just don’t know enough about those movies to understand that point of view. But if you are never seen a fast and furious before in your life, or you have no idea if you would understand it, you’re not going to be lost. Sure, there’s inside jokes, and there’s some cameos and there’s some connections,

that it would help if you’ve seen the other movies,

but you can safely go see this movie as a standalone and enjoy it for what it is so so like don’t shy away if if that’s what you’re thinking now the parent movie review, because your kids are probably at this point in the summer. They’ve seen all the Disney they’ve seen The Lion King, they want to see something a little more exciting. Little more action, right? And I can say that this is probably one of the least objectionable movies that I’ve seen this summer that I would I wouldn’t hesitate I let I let my kids probably 10 and up go to the theater to see this one. The women are, like I said are treated, you know, with a lot more respect to so I don’t have those issues there. And there’s no nudity, there’s no sex. There is a lot of language and of course, a lot of ridiculous violence. But I almost feel like it’s so ridiculous. Even a young kid knows how ridiculous this is if that if that helps, if that makes sense. So in my household, I’d say 10 and up could see this one and I wouldn’t be too too spun up over that. Overall, I’m going to give it a seven or eight if you just really want to have

fun. All right, the

other movie that I decided to watch I had some time to myself on Sunday morning and I decided to treat myself to some Schitt’s Creek because you guys know how much I love that show. And if you’re not watching Schitt’s Creek, please go listen to the episode where we fan girl it or if you are watching it, and you just want to listen to people who get it. We did actually do an episode about Schitt’s Creek and I just love this and I think I’m on my Oh, I think this is my fourth run through this summer. Yes, it’s that good. And yes, I love it that much. Anyway, I started pulling up Schitt’s Creek on Netflix. And instead, I decided to go with their recommendation, which was other hood. And it’s a new movie that just came out I think I think it just came out on Friday on the Netflix channel. And I and I went ahead and looked at it because the actresses that are in it appealed to me, it’s Patricia Arquette, Angela Bassett FElicity Huffman. they play three mothers who are also longtime friends and empty nesters. And they decided to go to New York City to reconnect with their adult sons. It’s Mother’s Day, the sons have basically blown them off or ignore them or sent a lazy text. And these moms are like, we’re not going to stand for that, you know, we need to go see our kids and talk to them. So they go into New York. And when they get there, you know, they discovered that the three sons Daniel, Paul, and Matt, you know, they’re all facing their own issues. And then, of course, the moms also discover that they really have their own issues that they’re not facing. That’s that’s their problems, the moms are not facing their own issues. And part of those issues are that their sons have grown up and moved out. But they’re still kind of clinging to them. Anyhow, this is one of the movies that I am going to have to go against

pretty much every other critic that is out there.

People don’t like this, okay, the critics are not happy with this movie, they are kind of panning it left and right. And I’m going to say that, I’m surprised to see it. When I sat down to watch this movie, I’d had no expectations. I just turned it on. It turned out that it had me laughing and had me actually had been crying. I think part of that is my emotional motherhood journey that I’m on myself. So I connected to it on somebody on some levels. I’m not as old as they are, I’m not quite to where they are in life and, and their experiences. However, I can see it guys, it’s in my future, I can see it. And it was just one of those sweet movies for me, that I enjoyed, I thought the writing was fine. I thought the acting was actually pretty good. I do think the actresses, you know, weren’t given quite enough to work with on their characters, like their characters aren’t super developed in the sense that we don’t know a whole lot about their background. So I’m not saying that the critics who are painting this are wrong. I just personally, you know, don’t totally agree with them. It is formulaic? it, there’s some trite scenes, the circumstances have no massive surprises going on here. I get all of that I don’t again, I don’t disagree. But in the end, when I go to a movie, or when I sit down and watch a movie, I critique it, I review it based on if I was number one if I was entertained, and then all the other stuff comes into play, you know, how was the acting? How was the plot? How was? How was the look of the film, you know, all those things do factor in, they do matter. But bottom line for me is number one Trumps all, and that was was I entertained. And yeah, I was I was totally entertained on this one again, that could have a lot of factor into the fact that I am

a mother who’s got kids

that are in high school. And I can see that, you know, leaving the house soon enough kind of thing happening in my world. So sure it can factor in. But I don’t, don’t listen to all the critics get a chance to sit down and start watching it. If you don’t like it, you can always turn it off. That’s the beauty of Netflix, you’re already paying for the subscriptions. It’s not like you’re losing any money when you change it to Schitt’s Creek in the middle of the movie, right? So give it a try. If you think the topic matter, is anything that you that you would find appealing. Or if you even just like those actresses, because they were all three, I know they brought a pretty great, pretty great, they gave some some truths in this movie that I think we all kind of know are out there. But we don’t. We don’t recognize maybe until it’s thrust upon us or until we’re surrounded into it. So like I said, I just felt like this was kind of a little, hey, just warning, these things are coming in your life or some variation of this. Obviously, it’s not going to be just like the movies, but some variation of it might be coming down the line. I don’t know. I’m just saying don’t necessarily listen to all the critics give it a shot, it’s on Netflix, it ain’t gonna cost you any more than you’ve already spent. So why not right parent movie review for this one. It’s not really too bad from the typical things that I would review this on for kids, you know, no violence, there is a little bit of sex that a little bit of discussion of sex, I think there’s a little bit of nudity, too, I think I see either he’s totally naked or mostly naked, I can’t remember exactly what the guy was doing. There is girl in bra and panties. So you do you know have some of that going on. But they’re brief scenes, it’s not the majority of the movie by any stretch of the imagination. There is some language there, there are some adult humor, you know, put in here, it but it’s not terrible, you know, in that general sense of the world. However, I honestly would not suggest this movie for anyone under the age of 30. And it’s because of the subject matter, I don’t think that it would resonate with you unless you’re either the child’s age these adult children. And can can see the movie from their their eyes and their point of view, or the parents age or the or the mom’s age, and kind of can see it from from their point of view, if you’re, you know, too young, even in your early 20s. And I don’t I don’t know that this is going to I don’t know if this is going to sit with you. So I’m just going to say kids in general, I’d say no to, to seeing this because I don’t think they would get it and I think they’d be bored. So I’m going to give this one say let’s say a six out of 10. not perfect, but I did enjoy it. I had fun with it, I would watch it again, I would totally watch it again. It was not a waste of time in my world. And then the last movie the last movie to talk about today is descendants three this movie is the the teenager of Disney’s infamous villains returned to the Isle of loss to recruit a new batch of villainous offspring to join them at Oregon prep. It’s one hour, 46 minutes long. But it goes way quicker than that I thought because of the singing and the dancing, you know, throughout. But if you’ve seen the other two movies, you have an idea of the flow of this one, it stands up against the other ones. This one was a little bit of heartbreak, because of course we lost the actor Cameron voice. Earlier this year in July, he suddenly passed away at the age of 20. And this was his last film. And after being part of the the Disney community for so long. I mean, my kids have grown up seeing this guy on screen, from the TV shows to the movies. But you know, it was it’s kind of tough to watch them. And to know that this was it. However it was, was also pretty great to watch him because, you know, I got to see the joy and the happiness of him doing what came across, or at least seems to be what he loved to do with his life. So we liked it, we liked it. Overall, this was a decent way to wrap up the franchise and my daughters and I enjoyed it. We watched it together. We were singing, we were dancing, just as we have with all the other descendants movies. And you know, I liked it. I I didn’t like it as much as the first one. I definitely still love that first one. But I did enjoy this one. For what it’s worth. There’s nice lessons for kids. You know, things to think about, like, the bad guy isn’t always coming from where you think they’d come and someone bad can still do something good when you give them a chance. You know, there’s some some good little lessons that kids can pick out. I’m going to give this one an eight out of 10 because the whole family can safely watch it. And there was nobody super annoying and it

I think I’ve confessed before that I don’t really like kid actors. And granted, I think all of these kids now are in their 20s. So maybe they’re not kid actors anymore. But still, the point is still there is that they didn’t annoy me. I still enjoyed them. And I can’t wait to see what they do now that their descendants, you know, movies are over at least I think it’s over. Maybe it’s not over for all of them. But I know I know one of them. I know Sophia Carson has said goodbye to Ed to her character. So we at least know that much. And then at the end, Disney put together a gut wrenching, tear jerking, sweet tribute to Cameron. And Yep, I cried. I totally cried and my daughters cried and we all were reminded to just give each other bigger hugs that night before bed I think be because of that. But it was it was it was a good mini it was a good movie. So it’s going to be on Disney Channel, like forever. Go watch it. If you haven’t watched it yet. Go watch it. Alright guys. Well, that’s all I’ve got for the Monday movie minute this week. There is a new podcast episode coming on Thursday as always. And we are finally circling back to Veronica Mars to talk about what the heck happened with season four. And we will answer the question, Rob Thomas. Are we still friends? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can go back and listen to the first Veronica Mars fan growing episode where we talked about how excited we were for this new season and what our history is with the fandom. Why we love Veronica Mars. Why we think she’s so fantastic. Where we hoped season four would go well. Season Four is out. I can tell you spoiler alert, it did not go where we wanted it to go. Overall, that was kind of the consensus. But anyway, the guests are back at the same time guests that were on that original episode are going to be back on this one and they are super marshmallows. They love to talk about Veronica so if you love Veronica too and you want to hear her some discussion about it all spoiler early, yes, we spoil everything because it’s been long enough. That’s what we’re doing on Thursday. So come on back and give us a listen then. Until then don’t forget to subscribe tho those five star reviews up there. It helps other fan girls find the show. And it’s always appreciated by yours truly. Plus, if you love what you’re hearing and want to do more to keep the show going. I’d love to have you as a patron. Your support would help with the hosting fees, equipment upgrades, just keep the cost down on a production like this. You can do that at patreon. com backslash no guilt fan girls, if you are so inclined and super appreciated once again.

Alright guys, thanks for hanging with me on the no guilt fan girls podcast. Hope you’ll be back to fangirl with me again real soon.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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