Is Disney Pixar Luca Safe For Kids? Parent Movie Review

Pixar is known for making heartfelt and touching kid-friendly films for the whole family. Did the same movie-making magic come through with Disney Pixar Luca? In this parent movie review, we’ll answer the question is Luca safe for kids and what ages should be able to watch this one. Luca comes exclusively to the Disney+ streaming service this Friday, June 18th.

is luca safe for kids parent movie review

About Luca

Set in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera, Disney and Pixar’s original feature film “Luca” is a coming-of-age story about one young boy experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta and endless scooter rides.

Luca (voice of Jacob Tremblay) shares these adventures with his newfound best friend, Alberto (voice of Jack Dylan Grazer), but all the fun is threatened by a deeply-held secret: they are sea monsters from another world just below the water’s surface.

Watch the trailer for LUCA here.

What Ages Should Watch Luca On Disney+?

As always, we preface this by saying you know your children best. What may be appropriate for you, may not work for other families.

But this parent movie guide of Luca will help give you some context to make that decision.

Confidently, we think Luca is going to be something most families can watch with most kids.

luca kid friendly what ages can watch luca parent guide
Disney and Pixar’s “Luca” is a coming-of-age story about a boy sharing summer adventures with a newfound best friend. But their fun is threatened by a secret: they are sea monsters from another world just below the water’s surface. Directed by Enrico Casarosa (“La Luna”) and produced by Andrea Warren (“Lava,” “Cars 3”), “Luca” opens in U.S. theaters June 18, 2021. © 2021 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

The run time is just over 90 minutes long, which seems to be the sweet spot for attention spans with the younger crowds.

The plot isn’t too complex and should be easily followed for kids who love watching movies.

It does come with a PG rating, and we’ll discuss why Luca is rated PG below, so keep that in mind.

This is a fun summer movie with some sweet messeges learned about acceptance and friendship along the way.

We feel that kids as young as 3 could happily enjoy the beauty that is Luca on Disney+. Helps that you can always pause and come back later as needed!

is luca ok for kids to watch
Set in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera, Disney and Pixar’s “Luca” is a coming-of-age story about a boy and his newfound best friend experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta and endless scooter rides. But their fun is threatened by a secret: they are sea monsters from another world. “Luca” is directed by Enrico Casarosa (“La Luna”) and produced by Andrea Warren (“Lava,” “Cars 3”). © 2020 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

Is Luca Safe For Kids? Parent Movie Review

Luca is coming out this week straight to Disney+.

That might make some folks think Luca fell short- and they might be right, depending on how you decide a movie’s box office worth.

Luca is a sweet, likeable movie that has it’s moments. It didn’t really hit for us on the “Pixar made me cry” scale until the last 20 minutes, however.

While a beautiful film that certainly continues to show off Pixar animation (check out the scale hair waving in the water or wind- wowza, it’s gorgeous!) it likely isn’t going to be your favorite Pixar movie ever.

luca too scary for kids
BELOW THE SURFACE – Jack Dylan Grazer and Jacob Tremblay lend their voices to Alberto and Luca — two sea monsters who meet one summer off the coast of the Italian Riviera. With a shared fascination with all things human, Alberto and Luca venture to the seaside town of Portorosso together, where they experience gelato, pasta and the power of friendship. Directed by Academy Award® nominee Enrico Casarosa (“La Luna”) and produced by Andrea Warren (“Lava,” “Cars 3”), “Luca” debuts on Disney+ on June 18, 2021. © 2021 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

But it’s cute, and if you have kids, they are going to spend plenty of time with Luca and Alberto’s adventures this summer.

But is Luca ok for kids to watch? Is Luca too scary for kids? How safe is Luca for little kids?

Here’s some information in the parent moview review to help you decide.

Is The Language In Luca Safe For Kids?

We didn’t catch any traditional swear words in Luca, but we also don’t speak Italian.

There’s a chance something was slipped in there we missed.

There was some kid-level teasing and insults that you might consider offensive with the youngest of your kiddos. We didn’t like to say “shut up” in our house, for example, and that’s one that does come up in the movie.

Just be aware that there are some insults such as jerk or dumb that also get thrown out, but overall, the language in luca is ok for kids.

is luca safe for kids to watch
Set in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera, Disney and Pixar’s “Luca” is a coming-of-age story about a boy and his newfound best friend experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta and endless scooter rides. But their fun is threatened by a secret: they are sea monsters from another world. “Luca” is directed by Enrico Casarosa (“La Luna”) and produced by Andrea Warren (“Lava,” “Cars 3”). © 2021 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

Ok For Kids? Violence In Luca

There’s a little bit of trepidition and peril going on here, with a lot of harpoons as weapons.

Luca has its villians, and therefore, there’s going to be conflict.

Fist fights and slaps are two that stand out for parents to know about.

Plot Points and Themes In Luca That May Be Scary For Kids

Luca and his friends & family are sea monsters- which on land, is a very scary topic.

Pixar’s version of sea monsters, of course, are sweet and adorable, showing us that people truly fear what they cannot understand.

But the biggest and scariest plot point in Luca will be the bullying.

This is a good film for parents to watch to help teach their kids about navigating those waters (pun intended), however.

Overall, as a parent movie review we’d say that Luca is going to be one most of your family will love!

Luca is not too scary for kids, though keep in mind that mild language and bullying topics can be something parents choose to avoid, especially with the youngest crowd.

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