Is Downton Abbey: A New Era Ok For Kids? Parents Guide and Review

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The Crawley family is back on the big screen, in more ways than one! If your tweens and teens need to know what happens next for our favorites upstairs and downstairs, this movie will answer a lot of questions. But is Downton Abbey: A New Era ok for kids? This parents guide will help you decide what ages should watch this one in theaters now.

downton abbey new era

About Downton Abbey: A New Era

From award-winning creator Julian Fellowes comes the motion picture event DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA.

The much-anticipated cinematic return of the global phenomenon reunites the beloved cast as they go on a grand journey to the South of France to uncover the mystery of the Dowager Countess’ newly inherited villa.

Watch the Downton Abbey: A New Era trailer here.

Downton-Abbey-A-New-Era parents guide

Is Downton Abbey: A New Era Ok For Kids? Parents Guide and Review

Do you need to watch the TV show or movie before going to see this one in theaters?

It helps, yes! Otherwise, you may not completely appreciate the character development that happens.

But the plot isn’t so complex you wouldn’t be able to get the gist if you go in blind, at least from an adult perspective. Children may struggle a bit if they don’t have previous exposure to the show or movie.

And thankfully, Downton Abbey does a bit of a recap right before the movie starts for those that are afraid of missing out!

In this Downton Abbey parent’s guide and review, we’re breaking down the language, sex/nudity, gore, and violence that happens in the movie to help you determine if watching Downton Abbey: A New Era is safe for kids in your home.

downtown abbey ok for kids? parents guide and review

Language: Downton Abbey: A New Era Parents Guide

The Crawleys and their staff are fairly respectable when it comes to language in this movie.

There’s little that should concern parents when determining if A New Era is safe for kids to watch.

However, compared to the last movie, it does have a bit more. G-d, h@ll, and b@stard are all used.

There are some mild insults thrown around as well, but overall, Downton Abbey: A New Era is good to go for most teens and tweens.

is downtown abbey safe for kids? parents guide and review

Is Downton Abbey: A New Era Safe For Kids? Sex and Nudity

A few kisses and embraces are shown, but no actual sex or nudity in A New Era.

There are some references to possible infidelity and one crude for the time joke made about men wanting to “give you one.”

Mild flirting and discussion of love and marriage are included in this movie.

This one is family-friendly and safe for kids on the sex scale.

parents guide: downton abbey new era movie review

Violence and Gore In Downton Abbey: A New Era: Is It Too Scary For Kids?

No violence, no gore to speak of.

Downton Abbey: A New Era is not scary in the traditional sense at all, but there are some adult themes that parents may consider concerning for their children.

Adult Themes

This movie has a lot of powerful nods to grief and loss throughout. Some discussion of illness (cancer) is also made.

If your child has lost someone close to them recently, they may come away from this needing a good cry (not always a bad thing!). Just be aware that while overall the themes are joyful, there are some sad moments that could impact a sensitive child, especially if they are in a space of grief.

There are also scenes with alcohol and gambling depicted, but no characters appear outwardly drunk.

Infidelity and sexual orientation are broached in a very 1930s British way. Your children may have questions about certain relationships if they are not able to read the room, so to speak.

lady mary downton abbey new era parents guide

Downton Abbey: A New Era Age Rating

Downton Abbey: A New Era is rated PG for thematic elements, some suggestive references, and language.

And that pretty much sums things up right there.

As always, you know your child best.

While this movie doesn’t have any huge red flags in the usual areas for parents, it is rather long and we’ll admit, a tad slow.

Unless your younger tween has devoured the previous series and movie, we’d stick to 12 and up for this one based on attention span alone. Current Downton fans will love it, but this wouldn’t be the movie to introduce a child to the Crawley family.

It’s beautiful and fun in the right places for a patient audience, and tweens aren’t always known for their patience.

downton abbey: a new era carson

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