Is The Batman Too Scary For Kids? Parents Guide and Review

Kids love superhero movies, and many have anticipated the release of The Batman (2022). But should you take the teens and tweens to this movie? It’s rated PG-13 but is The Batman ok for kids? Is it safe for those under 13? Read this parent’s guide to determine if The Batman is too scary for kids in your house. ps- this movie is a LONG one. Here are the best times to take a bathroom break during The Batman.

is it safe for kids? parents guide. the batman movie poster

About The Batman (2022)

Two years of stalking the streets as the Batman (Robert Pattinson), striking fear into the hearts of criminals, has led Bruce Wayne deep into the shadows of Gotham City.

With only a few trusted allies—Alfred Pennyworth (Andy Serkis), Lt. James Gordon (Jeffrey Wright)—amongst the city’s corrupt network of officials and high-profile figures, the lone vigilante has established himself as the sole embodiment of vengeance amongst his fellow citizens.

When a killer targets Gotham’s elite with a series of sadistic machinations, a trail of cryptic clues sends the World’s Greatest Detective on an investigation into the underworld, where he encounters such characters as Selina Kyle/aka Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz), Oswald Cobblepot/aka the Penguin (Colin Farrell), Carmine Falcone (John Turturro), and Edward Nashton/aka the Riddler (Paul Dano).

As the evidence begins to lead closer to home and the scale of the perpetrator’s plans becomes clear, Batman must forge new relationships, unmask the culprit, and bring justice to the abuse of power and corruption that has long plagued Gotham City.

You can watch The Batman trailer here.

Check out the best Movie Quotes from The Batman

Is The Batman safe for kids? alfred and bruce wayne from The Batman

Is The Batman Too Scary For Kids? Parents Guide and Review

It’s totally normal for a family to think comic book movies will relate to family-friendly fare on the big screen.

But that’s not always the case.

Since each family has concerns that dictate what parents feel is appropriate for their children to view, we put together parent guides and reviews to help families make those decisions.

If your kids watched Spider-Man: No Way Home, they are likely big fans of comic movies and hope to see this newest movie.

Is The Batman Too Scary For Kids? In this parents guide and review, we’re breaking down the language, sex/nudity, and violence that happens in the movie to help you determine if watching The Batman is kid-friendly and safe for kids in your home.

Catwoman Zoe Kravitz. Is The Batman too scary for kids?

Is The Batman Ok For Kids? Sex and Nudity

There really is very little in the way of sex or nudity in The Batman that should be concerning for kids.

Bruce Wayne is seen shirtless and Selena Kyle is seen changing clothes (so you see her in her underwear).

There are a few kisses, one passionate one as well as some general men leering at women.

But no overt acts of sex take place or are implied in the movie.

From a sex and nudity standpoint, The Batman is kid-friendly for most ages 10 and up.

is the batman ok for kids to watch? parents guide

Violence and Gore In The Batman: Is It Too Scary For Kids?

There is typical comic book violence happening in this movie. But is The Batman ok for kids in your house to watch? Here’s what happens (non-spoiler descriptions).

Guns, knives, hand-to-hand combat, motorcycle/car chase scenes, and explosions are seen throughout the movie.

Very little blood is actually seen by way of gore, but the acts of killing people take place on and off the screen.

One man’s head is bashed in violently; one recording of a woman being strangled is heard.

There is also a low-key horror feel to the whole movie, with The Riddler character coming across as a serial killer type. His presence is often felt before seen and plays to jump scares.

There’s also a scene with a large gang of men in creepy face paint that could be scary for kids.

A child of about 10 witnesses the death of a parent and is later put in peril (multiple times).

While this isn’t on par with Scream 2022 or Halloween Kills, it certainly will be a scarier experience in the movie theater than kids used to watching Marvel movies or Aquaman.

The movie is visually (and tonally) dark which leads to a more scary experience and may not be kid-friendly for young ones.

If your children scare easily, this one might be better off in the bright lights of your living room when it comes to streaming.

The riddler: Is The Batman too scary for kids? Parent's guide and movie review

Language: The Batman Parents Guide

If language is a deal-breaker- please read this section. The Batman is not kid-friendly from a language perspective.

There are a lot of swear words and coarse language used throughout the entire movie by almost every character.

The use of diety names as a curse may be particularly concerning for some families- and those words are peppered throughout the entire 3-hour run.

We can’t even say it’s only one character or only found in a certain setting: it is used throughout the dialogue in The Batman.

Is The Batman Ok For Kids? Not from a language perspective (if that’s a concern for your family).

The swear words and language used in The Batman include:

  • G-d D@mn, G-d D@mmit
  • J@sus
  • Chr!sts sake
  • Dear G-d
  • sh!t, Holy sh!t, sh!thead, batsh!t
  • @sshole
  • F@ckin’
  • h@ll
  • b@stard
  • son of a b!tch
  • d!ckbag
is the batman ok for kids? parents guide and review

The Batman Age Rating

The Batman is rated PG-13, but can kids under the age of 13 safely watch this one?

As always, you know your children and family the best.

Without much in the form of sex or nudity to be concerned with, families who have issues with language and violence will need to think about the right age rating for The Batman.

What ages are appropriate for The Batman? From a violence/scare factor, we think it’s best to stick to older tweens and teens for this one.

While it’s not exceedingly gory and bloody, there are certainly some terror elements that make this Batman flick a dark one and not totally safe or kid-friendly.

It’s one of those movies that stick with you for a bit afterward, and if you have a sensitive child, this may not be the best form of entertainment for them.

Is The Batman too scary for kids? Parents guide and review

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One Comment

  1. So.
    Are We Not Going To Talk About The Riddler Putting Rats Into A Police Officer’s Stomach?
    I Know It’s Off-Screen But It Can Be Terrifying For Some People.

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