Is The Many Saints Of Newark Safe For Kids? Parent Movie Review

Tony Soprano origin story. Enough said, right? If your teens or tweens have reached the age where they’ve binge-watched The Sopranos, this movie is next on their list! But is The Many Saints of Newark safe for kids? This parent movie review will help you decide if this movie is ok for your teens and tweens to watch. ps- check out the Many Saints of Newark quotes from Tony Soprano too!

About The Many Saints of Newark

New Line Cinema’s “The Many Saints of Newark” is the much-anticipated feature film prequel to the groundbreaking, award-winning HBO drama series “The Sopranos.”

The film is set in the explosive 1960s in the era of the Newark riots, when the African-American and Italian communities are often at each other’s throats.

But among the gangsters within each group, the dangerous rivalry becomes especially lethal.

Watch the Many Saints of Newark trailer here.

Is The Many Saints Of Newark Safe For Kids? Parent Movie Review

The Sopranos is a tough show to follow, but we all want to know the backstory behind the making of Tony and his gang.

The Many Saints of Newark is The Sopranos prequel long in the making.

If your family is ready to take on this life of crime and have binged the HBO series, here’s what you need to know to decide if The Many Saints of Newark is safe for kids.

is the many saints of newark ok for teens and tweens to watch?

Is The Many Saints of Newark On HBO?

It’s on HBO Max and is included with your paid, ad-free subscription.

You can also see The Many Saints of Newark on the big screen in theaters starting October 1.

Do You Need To Watch The Sopranos Before The Many Saints of Newark?

While it’s not required to understand the movie, you probably are better off watching The Sopranos before watching The Many Saints of Newark.

At least watch a few episodes to get a feel for the characters in the movie.

There are over 6 seasons of The Sopranos to watch, but here’s a quick and dirty set of 10 essential episodes to watch before The Many Saints of Newark.

  1. “46 Long” Season 1, episode 2
  2. “Down Neck” Season 1, episode 7
  3. “Nobody Knows Anything” Season 1, episode 11
  4. “Isabella” — Season 1, episode 12
  5. “Fortunate Son” — Season 3, episode 3
  6. “For All Debts Public And Private” — Season 4, Episode 1
  7. “Watching Too Much Television” — Season 4, Episode 7
  8. “Where’s Johnny?” — Season 5, Episode 3
  9. “In Camelot” — Season 5, Episode 7
  10. “Kennedy And Heidi” — Season 6, episode 18
the_many_saints_of_newark safe for kids parent review

The Many Saints of Newark Parent Review

Here’s the breakdown of language, violence and sex/nudity for The Many Saints of Newark.

This parent review will help you decide if your teens and tweens can watch the movie.

As always, you know your family best!

Is it Safe For Kids? The Language in The Many Saints of Newark

The Many Saints of Newark is rated R and for good reason.

We can’t imagine kids wanting to watch this unless they’ve already seen The Sopranos. If that’s the case, then they probably will be ok with this movie.

But if the Soprano family saga is new to your family, here’s what you need to know about the language: it’s rampant in this movie.

Every 4 letter curse and swear is used multiple times, with the F-bomb happening too many times to count. And G-d d@mn is in this one as well. Plus the N-word is used as well.

Is the_many_saints_of_newark safe for kids? parent movie review

Violence: Is The Many Saints of Newark Ok For Teens and Tweens?

This mob family is super violent and problematic.

From fistfights to bashing in heads to shooting folks and kicking women down the stairs, The Many Saints of Newark is a violent show for a violent mob family.

There’s not too much gore, but there are certain scenes with blood and death that may be too much for teens and tweens to watch.

Is The Many Saints of Newark Safe For Kids: Sex and Nudity

The Sopranos and their extended family are, well, a horny bunch.

There is sex and sexual content discussed and shown on screen throughout the film. Boobs are shown.

If your family is shy about watching sex on screen, then this is not the show for your family!

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