Maleficent, Mistress of Evil Teaser Trailer and Poster

She’s back- and she’s badder than ever! Does Disney get this Maleficent sequel right in the eyes of the Villaness loving fans? Too soon to say, but this Maleficent, Mistress of Evil Teaser trailer and poster are certainly leading us down a darker path. 


Angelina Jolie is Maleficent and Elle Fanning is Aurora in Disney’s MALEFICENT: MISTRESS OF EVIL
Angelina Jolie is Maleficent and Elle Fanning is Aurora in Disney’s MALEFICENT: MISTRESS OF EVIL.


Confession time with Patty: I didn’t see Maleficent in the theaters because I heard it was so bad. I heard that from friends, from social media, and from the critics online.

Lesson learned: this is what happens when you listen to critics and try to save a few bucks. 

You just might miss a story you actually enjoy. 

Yes, true confession, I did enjoy the first Maleficent movie when I finally watched it at home on demand.

I remember being on the treadmill and thinking this would be a really good idea to get me ready for the Princess Half Marathon that year- or a really bad one if the movie stank. 

It didn’t and I sailed through the trailing run with a smile on my face! Go Maleficent, Go!

And now we have Maleficent 2 coming to theaters on October 18, 2019.

Check out the first poster and teaser trailer and let me know what you think!

Maleficent 2 Poster 

maleficent 2 poster

We are definitely going back to the dark villain version of Maleficent here! Whoa.  


Maleficent 2 Teaser Trailer

Now that, my friends, is a villainess worth recognizing! 

This version of Maleficent looks more in line with what the fans wanted with the first movie. A little more bite and a lot more evil coming through. 

But I have questions. How will this tie back to the somewhat nice ending we got in the first movie? Because she’s certainly not all peace love and happiness here anymore!

I do love a good teaser, don’t you? 

With so many incredible stars coming back for the sequel, I’m going with the script being much better than what they had in the first movie. 

And these costumes? GORGEOUS. 

This movie is on my Disney Studios movies for 2019 must-see list!


Angelina Jolie is Maleficent in Disney’s MALEFICENT:  MISTRESS OF EVIL.
Angelina Jolie is Maleficent in Disney’s MALEFICENT: MISTRESS OF EVIL.


About Maleficent 2

“Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” is a fantasy adventure that picks up several years after “Maleficent,” in which audiences learned of the events that hardened the heart of Disney’s most notorious villain and drove her to curse a baby Princess Aurora.

The film continues to explore the complex relationship between the horned fairy and the soon to be Queen as they form new alliances and face new adversaries in their struggle to protect the moors and the magical creatures that reside within. 

The film is directed by Joachim Rønning from a story by Linda Woolverton and a screenplay by Linda Woolverton and Micah Fitzerman-Blue & Noah Harpster, the film is produced by Joe Roth, Angelina Jolie and Duncan Henderson with Matt Smith, Jeff Kirschenbaum and Michael Vieira serving as executive producers.



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Instagram: @DisneyMaleficent


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