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Fangirling Marvel’s Simu Liu (AKA Shang-Chi)

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Marvel took over San Diego Comic-Con in a very big way last weekend. They announced a slew of Phase 4 projects that has all of us Marvel fangirls excited for the future. One movie caught my attention: Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. The newest Marvel superhero is Simu Liu and he deserves to be fangirled for a whole slew of reasons. 


Fangirling Marvel’s Simu Liu (AKA Shang-Chi)

There I was, sleepless at 3 AM, watching Kim’s Convenience (which deserves its own fangirl episode just like Schitt’s Creek!) and thinking- wow, this is our newest superhero? 

Cause Simu Liu was hilarious, charming, and just delightful— and I was ready to learn more about him. 

Especially since he’s going to be the lead in Marvel’s Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. 

Kim's Convenience cast

So I did what I always do- peep social media. Simu is not only an active user, but he’s also hilarious and totally worth the follow. 

You can find him on Twitter @SimuLiu



Oh, that’s right- he totally put that out into the universe in December. See? Twitter’s not all bad, y’all!

Simu Liu Tweet

Here I found his previous work as a stock photo model. 

And that he loves basketball. 

And that he has a dog he adores– awwwee!


But mostly I found that he’s a good person with big goals and dreams. 

When you want to be a superhero but you’re an accountant, I suppose most of us wouldn’t figure out how to get from ledgers to red carpets. But that’s just what he did. 



Follow Sir Barkley the Malamute on Instagram

And give Barkley’s dad a follow too. Loved hearing this story from Simu. Good lesson, especially for kids who are struggling to figure life out. 


This book is on Amazon, BTW.


Where Can You Find the No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast?

Am I happy that I added another fandom? You know it! And I hope Stranger Things isn’t the last one to come into my world. But I can’t fangirl alone, or without your help, and I want to hear what you love too. 

Subscribe, review, or throw some of those 5-stars up there! Help other fangirls like YOU find the podcast- it’s no fun fangirling on your own, amirite?

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