
Monday Movie Minute: Crawl, The Farewell, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood


Monday movie news is kinda all over the place today. Monday Movie Minute: Crawl, The Farewell, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood are covered on the No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast. 

Once Upon a time in hollywood, The FArewell, Crawl parent movie review podcast

Monday Movie Minute: Crawl, The Farewell, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Thanks for joining the No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast Monday Movie Minute for 7.29.19

It’s Monday- so we’re back to talk about the movies we saw. Thanks for joining the No-Guilt Monday Movie Minute for July 29, 2019.

Deep talk about the parent movie reviews this week- and as always: what happened at the box office. Which has a surprise in the 10th place!

This week we’re talking Crawl, The Farewell, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood. And spoiler: I liked them all. 

But obviously for very different reasons. 

Links to go with this weeks episode: 

Every Cameo in Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Spoilers Without Context Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood Parent Movie Review

Crawl Parent Movie Review

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Monday Movie Minute Podcast Transcript for 7/29/2019

*Please note: this is unedited and transcribed by AI- so it’s not perfect. But hopefully its helpful for those that prefer or have a need to read rather than listen.  – Patty

Welcome to the no guilt fan girls podcast. Where liking what you like is never a bad thing. Here’s your host and head fan girl in charge. Patty Holliday.

Hey y’all Welcome to the no guilt fan girls podcast. I’m Patty Holliday, your head fangirl in charge. And this is the Monday movie minute for July 29.

Now, every Monday we talk about the movies what came out what we saw last week and what’s happening at the box office. This week, I got back to the theater. Last week I didn’t, there was a way too much going on. They kept me at home. But this week, I saw three movies in the box office. And I liked each of them in different ways for different reasons. And when I tell you the names of the movies, you’re gonna be like, Oh yeah, that’s a total random assortment of movies to get see

Hey, I like it all I like I like a variety I guess. Okay, so this week we are talking about crawl the farewell and once upon a time in Hollywood. But first we’re going to talk about box office. In the number one spot again is the Lion King. Number two is once upon a time in Hollywood, which actually had over $40 million in the opening weekend, which is the biggest for a Quentin Tarantino movie. And we’ll talk about Tarantino here in a minute and why, why this matters. SpiderMan far from home is in the third spot. Toy Story four is in the fourth spot. Crawl yesterday Aladdin Stuber, and about comes home. And then guys in the number 10 spot is the farewell. I think this is huge. I think this is huge. And I’ll and I’ll tell you why. The farewell was only out in 135 theaters nation

That’s, that’s not a lot. You’re not going to find this movie in every single theater here. You might have to if you want to go see it, you’re gonna have to look around. I think that’s changing. I think they are actually opening to a wider amount of theaters this week. But it’s been interesting because I did a very slow build, like I think first it was in a handful of theaters. I mean, I live in the Greater Washington DC area, and there was nothing around me. When this movie first opened, I couldn’t see it. had to wait until this weekend, where it opened up to someplace that was my normal theater. So Interesting. Interesting. But I think that’s, I think that’s because this one’s getting a lot of buzz and I’ll get into the why. But first, we’re going to start with crawl. And that’s because it’s been out the longest. Now personally, I wasn’t sure I wanted to even see this movie. Because it’s then I’ve heard it was described as jaws in a basement. And guys, I just don’t do sharks

I don’t like sharks as a whole, the whole long story, and I have issues I have issues with jaws. And I’m not even joking. I’m not exaggerating. I really just I can’t say sharks. So and gators while they’re not sharks, they have a lot of the same properties. You know big t jumping at you trying to kill you, you know just those things. I just I don’t do gators really either. They kind of freak me out. They are a very interesting species. And yeah, I just don’t i don’t like them anyway, so it wasn’t sure how I felt about going into this one but it was a slow Tuesday I had my AMC a list movies to us. So I went ahead and saw it and you know, guys, it wasn’t terrible. I mean, there’s definitely worse movies out right now. There is a full parent movie review on no guilt fangirl.com if you want to go check that out and see if this

is something you or your family is interested in seeing? I will tell you this though to sum it up, it’s it’s not that much language which surprised me because if there were killer gators swarming my rapidly flooding house, I am going to let all the F bombs fly all over the place and feel no guilt about that at all because yeah, gators swimming through my house trying to eat me. You can bet some words are going to be set as far as kids and family and just kind of give you an idea there’s there’s no sex, there’s no no nudity. There’s a lot of jump scares. The biggest issue is obviously going to be the violence and the gore because it’s got some moments of massive issue going on. I mean, five gators one man crazy overhead shot you get the idea?


So like I said, you know there’s there’s worse there’s worse out there and would totally let my my two older teens go see this one if they wanted to. It’s an interesting story it’s an interesting it tries to also be a family dynamic story between a daughter and and her dad and kind of what has gone on with them growing up in their estrangement but that definitely takes a backseat to what this is about which is gators in your face like all the time

the repetition of fights I guess was my my biggest issue, but I’m really not sure how you can make fighting off a gator. New every single time especially when you’re confined in a crawl space for like most of the movie.

Also, the ending is like super abrupt. You get your ending you get your scene and then it fades to black and you hear See you later alligator. Like that’s the song that they play at the end in which you know, wink wink, nudge nudge ha he They’re so cute.

But I did not get that song out of my head for hours afterwards, and neither will you. All right, but overall, I give it up a six to a generous seven on a scale of one to 10 it wasn’t bad. I was mostly entertained, mostly entertained.

Now on to the farewell. This is Awkwafina’s family drama that I’ve actually been looking forward to for a few weeks. I know I’ve mentioned it on previous episodes. I saw the trailer. It brought me almost to tears, and I was so surprised because I adore Aquafina in her comedic roles. And this one is I mean, she has she gets a couple of small haha you know laughs But she’s not it’s not a comedy. Absolutely not a comedy and she’s not playing a funny character. So it’s very different for her.

It opened the gay said earlier in just you know, one or two theaters. exaggeration. I’m sure it was more than that. But uh, you know, not very many and then finally it opened up wider. And look, it made the top 10 in box office.

This weekend, which I just think that’s crazy. I think it’s cool. So what is this movie about? Billy? She is Aquafina. She is a struggling young adult in New York City. I think she’s like right around 30s is what her mom mentioned at one point. She’s in New York City she struggles with money with her career was school you know all of those things she also has her parents are Chinese immigrant parents live in the same city with her and she visits them as a good childhood Of course to get her laundry done and have her mom cooker cooker meals.

But you know, there’s there’s also that tension there you can tell with being the only child you know to to these parents. And but there’s also love there’s also clearly they all love each other families. You know, we’re complicated that way. So, the biggest issue here though, is that the family gets rocked with this news about their name a that the grandma over in

Unknown Speaker 8:00
China, she’s sick, she has maybe three months left to live, the family is going to gather to say goodbye. But they’re not going to actually tell her that she’s dying. So they’re coming for a wedding. And they let her plan the wedding and celebrate this marriage the whole time. Nobody is saying anything about what why they’re all really there and it I think they said it’s been 25 years since the whole family has been together. So yeah, it’s it’s a big momentous occasion and it’s it’s really heavy because

Unknown Speaker 8:34
everyone’s uncomfortable and everyone is sad.

Unknown Speaker 8:38
But they’re supposed to be there for this happy wedding. And so it’s a very it’s very odd it’s it’s it’s it’s an interesting an interesting I’m you know, when the first thing that you see on screen when this movie opens, it says that this is based on an actual lie. Because apparently this is very common. This is something that happens in the east is the family burdens themselves.

Unknown Speaker 9:00
With the news of cancer or somebody’s dying, rather than burdening the patient, because they’re taking that role on there, they’re going to take that burden off and they just don’t so they don’t tell they don’t tell them if they’re that sick, which is fascinating, fascinating. Now Billy and her father, to an extent her father’s You know, he he doesn’t go against the family and he does say, Billy, I can’t go against the family. But they are the two that that have internal conflicts and fight with this Chinese custom to keep the news over illness from from their grandma from the from the dad’s mom. In China, it’s, it’s, you know, like I said, it’s a good thing for the family to carry it. And they, they both are very conflicted about that the entire time. In the east, you’re part of a, of a whole of a family of a society. It’s you know, you are part of the whole where, you know, in the West, our life

Unknown Speaker 10:00
belongs to ourselves. Right? So it’s just a very, very different way of thinking and there’s that conflict there. Now, the question is, should your kids go see this movie? Is this something that I can say as a parent movie review? That is it safe for kids? Will they like it? That sort of thing now? Absolutely. It’s kid friendly in the sense of my usual criteria. I think it’s got one swear word, which I didn’t even catch but my friend who was next to me watching the movie said she heard it. So one swear word, whatever. No sex, no violence, no nudity. You know, nothing like to shield your kids from accept the death of the grandma, right? That the sadness and the heaviness and that they’re all lying to the grandma. There is a lot of drinking and smoking, however, so if you don’t, you know, like your family to see that. That is in this movie.

Unknown Speaker 10:55
Yeah, so the whole family, you know, decides to basically lie to the grandma and shield her from

Unknown Speaker 11:00
The fact that she’s going through this so it’s safe for your kids to see it on on those levels but at the same time

Unknown Speaker 11:09
do they need to see it? Do they want to see it? I’m going to lean towards know unless you have a very I don’t know a very you know your child know your know your know your kid, but I put it in perspective with my two children, my two oldest children, my two youngest children, there’s no way they would be bored out of their minds, they would have no interest in this. In addition, you either need to know Mandarin Chinese or you need to be able to read

Unknown Speaker 11:36
to even understand the movie because it’s subtitled for like 90% of this movie. So that’s the other thing I I don’t know why I was surprised that it was basically all in Chinese. But I wasn’t I wasn’t prepared. Again, very American American of me, I assumed Aquafina that it would be more English but it’s not it’s absolutely not. It’s it’s in Chinese with a little bit of English thrown in

Unknown Speaker 12:00
So keep that in mind to my two older kids. I don’t think my son would really have any interest in it. If I made him sit and watch it. He’d be like, All right, I’ll watch it. But he wouldn’t do this is not something he would choose. My daughter

Unknown Speaker 12:14
would probably just be a puddle of tears the entire time because she’s such an empath. And she, she would be Billy, she would just be so upset that we aren’t like, we aren’t telling Grandma, we aren’t helping Grandma, why aren’t we helping Grandma, you know, the family is helping Grandma, but they’re helping her in their way, not our way.

Unknown Speaker 12:33
So overall, I’m going to skip it for my family because I just I don’t think they didn’t enjoy it as an entertainment source at this point in time. But I can see my daughter watching it later and really liking it and really liking it. There’s just not a lot of action at all that goes on. It’s pretty mellow. And, you know, there’s kind of this overall sadness, obviously that courses through the entire movie. So well actually

Unknown Speaker 13:00
I can say that this movie is for kids, I will say it is a family movie, it will teach you and make you think about your own family dynamic. And what would you do in a situation like this? And, you know, it was it was an interesting discussion to have afterward with my friend, how our families would respond to this. And yeah, so I mean it there’s definitely a lot to talk about from this movie and I and I do do like it but I’d say go see it adults, but probably keep the kids at home. All right, and finally, the biggest movie of the weekend, and I got a little obsessed with it. I met so you can tell already. I really liked it. Because what I like something. That’s what I do. I get obsessed with it. I’ve been thinking about it all weekend long. I’ve been talking about it all weekend long. And this is the once upon a time in Hollywood, which is Quentin Tarantino’s ninth movie, I think and I don’t know a lot about Quentin Tarantino in the sense that I don’t I’m not a big fan. I don’t

Unknown Speaker 14:00
I don’t follow him super super closely. But I think my understanding is this is a big deal because he’s going to only do 10 and then he’s retiring or something along those lines. So we don’t have a lot left with with Quentin out there. But I will say overall, as somebody who does not care, for the most part for the things that he does in his movies, I really liked this movie. I loved Pulp Fiction, but I saw that when I was way much younger, and I just remember it being such a crazy pants movie. But the the things that were crazy about it is also what made me uncomfortable enough that I, I saw it twice, and then I will never see that movie.

Unknown Speaker 14:40
It’s brilliant. I remember all that and it still sticks with me a lot of those scenes are still with me, which says a lot about the power of that movie. But it’s just not the form of entertainment that I enjoy anymore. So I went into once upon a time in Hollywood with a little bit of reservation. However, I love Hollywood. I love old Hollywood. I love the 60s and 70s

Unknown Speaker 15:00
Hollywood, I had to see this movie but just even for the visuals and for the locations and the times time period setting of it all, I was in love with it from that aspect almost from the beginning, almost from the beginning. So this one is, you know, I say it’s equal parts like super Tarantino with some of his signature things that he puts in the film like apparently showing women’s feet is a territory no thing do if they’re dirty feet like all over the place. There’s a lot of scenes like that it’s gross and dumb. But if you are a Quentin Tarantino person, you know this if you accept it, I guess I don’t know. There are feet, of course in this movie, but it’s also kind of non Tarantino ish in the sense that the other movies that I have seen of his had a lot more violence throughout the entire movie, and it’s always shocking and it’s always, you know, very graphic this one

Unknown Speaker 16:00
really didn’t have much there’s there’s some fights but nothing super out of, you know, super crazy out of the ordinary until the last 20 ish, 30 ish minutes or so of the movie, and then it rocks and rolls and it’s very, it’s insane. It’s insane guys, it’s absolutely insane. But up until then I would say I was surprised the whole time I kept thinking, where’s this movie going? What is happening? I wasn’t bored. I wasn’t annoyed. I just, I just couldn’t see like, you know, the point like, where were we getting to the whole point of this? And then finally, bam, there was when it happens. It happens fast, and it rocks and rolls and it was mind blowing. And it was crazy. So what is this movie about? It’s 1969 in Hollywood. And that’s the setting of this film. Rick Dalton, which is Leonardo DiCaprio. DiCaprio is a husband star, westerns and he has a stunt double who is also

Unknown Speaker 17:00
His BFF and his name is Cliff booth. And that’s played by Brad Pitt. They’re basically coming to terms with the fact that their Hollywood careers as they once knew it, you know is over. They’re not changing with the times. They are still stuck kind of in this past. A Cliff has accepted it way more easily. Then Patrick Dolman who is really struggling with this whole idea, Rick lives up in the up in Hollywood, and his neighbor happens to be Sharon Tate. Now, here’s the thing. If you’re like who Sharon Tate, I don’t know who Sharon Tate is, then do a little Google do a little research find out before you go see this movie. Otherwise, it will make no sense to you. You will think it’s stupid. You won’t get why so many of us are so blown away by this story. You do need to know a little bit about her history and about the Manson family.

Unknown Speaker 18:00
Charles Manson, okay. You don’t even know the details. And this is this is not a Manson family movie. It’s not you know all about that, but they do factor in to this story. And so if you know a little bit about it, you’re going to be way less confused and you’ll understand the brilliance I guess, of all of this. So, you know, at least know who they were what they were what crimes were committed. Hint hint, Sharon Tate.

Unknown Speaker 18:30
And in go from there, okay. That being said, as I’ve talked about this a little bit, you know, is this something that is ok for kids, I would absolutely let my oldest son see this one. without reservation. I actually brought him downstairs after I saw the movie. I came in the house. I was like, Hey, I got a question for you. Do you know who Charles Manson was? And he knew a little bit he doesn’t know details cuz he’s 16. He did know the basics. And so knowing that I was like, if for some reason he wanted to see this

Unknown Speaker 19:00
I would probably let him see it I would probably let him see it on the scale of things. There’s a ton of language there is a their sex that’s talked about but nothing visual, no nudity. Nothing like that on on the scene, but you do they do talk about sex a lot. Lots of language and probably only the last 20 minutes are is that crazy, violent third act. That does happen. I would be willing to accept that if he if he really wanted to go see it. He He shrugged his shoulders at me like I like he didn’t care. So I don’t think we’re going to have that problem, but I would probably let them go. Most people probably would not. This is definitely a rated R. It’s guaranteed No, of course it’s rated R but that’s just where I was in this that acting in this movie was fantastic. Leo and Pitt and Robbie were all mesmerizing. I enjoyed all three actors and I and I can’t say that I am a huge fan of any of them.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
I am not one of those people that love everything that Brad Pitt does. Sometimes I’d like it sometimes I don’t. Leo DiCaprio for the most part I like I like most things that he does, but I’m not again, I’m not one of those. I love Leo, you know, I’m not a stand. But in this movie, I thought all three of them were really great. And Margot Robbie made Sharon Tate this very likable, very adorable, very sweet character. I have no idea if that’s what she was really like, but I was rooting for her which I think is also on purpose and is what made what happens there at the end this this crazy mind blowing thing. I can even see a lot of nominations coming out when award season rolls around for these three characters, all three of them. I can see it I can see it. Now this movie is long, and the pacing is problematic for the first two hours. There’s absolutely

Unknown Speaker 21:00
You know, moments of boredom I, I wrote down in my parent movie review, which is also on no guilt fangirl.com I always write down like when you can pee during movies, because I think that’s important. There’s a lot of places where you can get up and go, and you’re not missing too much in this movie, because, because it’s just so long and kind of slow. It was funny in parts, but there are some racial punch lines that I think were put in for the purpose of getting a laugh. And, you know, they weren’t there to serve any real purpose or to make you think or to be ironic, even I don’t know, I think they were they’re there to get a laugh. And they got a laugh in my theater, which I was super uncomfortable with, and I didn’t love I could have done without those parts of the movie. Look, I know it’s set in the 60s. I know people talked a lot differently back then. Leo’s character is actually an actor who plays in these movies that are set in the 1800s and their Western and so they’re even further set back in

Unknown Speaker 22:00
RPC ways, but it’s just I don’t know, it’s just not a good look in 2019 to repeat those lines for laughs in my point of view. Alright, so there is this full movie review on the blog for this one. Plus, I added a list of all the Hollywood cameos, think movies, actors locations. It’s it’s a big list. It’s a long list. But if you’re curious about who was what and what was going on, that’s also a very turrentine know thing is he texts these easter eggs, I guess, into movies as well as he uses a lot of his actors that that he likes to work with in some of these movies. And you’ll, you’ll pick up what those are. If you are a Tarantino

Unknown Speaker 22:49
fan. If you’ve seen all the other movies, you will you’ll pick them up much more easily if you’re more like me where I’ve seen a few but I wouldn’t consider myself a fan. I had to go back and find find them all.

Unknown Speaker 23:00
cuz it was it was interesting. It was definitely interesting. So I thought it was a good movie. I liked all three. I liked all three this week. All right, that is that’s it. That’s all I’ve got for Monday movie minute this week. There are new podcast episodes. Yes, I said plural episodes coming on Thursday. It’s going to be another one of my little mini series of episodes that I put out. It’s a four part series talking about the four parks at Walt Disney World. This is not a how to tour these parks. This Is Us fan growing what we love about each distinct park at Walt Disney World Resort. We are going to talk about each one of them separately. And I don’t know it was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun to have these discussions with people who feel very strongly about a specific part for different reasons. Don’t forget to subscribe and throw those five star reviews up there. Really appreciate it and we actually had a couple of reviews that came in

Unknown Speaker 24:00
over this last week, and I just wanted to tell you guys I do read them and I really appreciate you taking that, that extra time to give them give that feedback. I think it does help other fan girls maybe find us a little bit. So I see there’s one here from Don. I see there’s one here from at twisted line. I appreciate y’all. I appreciate y’all. And let me know if there’s anything else I can I can fangirl for you. I will warn you guys though for the probably this next month, we’re going to be pretty Disney heavy, because d 23. Expo is coming up. And if you want to know a little bit about the 23 Expo, there is an episode from last week that you can go go find and listen to that talks a little bit about that. But what d 23 Expo is short version is it is the big Disney fan con like you know, it’s like Comic Con for Disney fans, right? And all the movies, all the TV news, all of the Disney Parks news, oh basically all of the things that Patti loves

Unknown Speaker 25:00
are going to be discussed at this three day event. And I’m going to be there and I’m so excited about it. So just a warning, I have a few episodes that were going to come up leading up into it and then probably while I’m there, I am going to try to put out some immediate information for those that are following along at home. I hope you will. And Alright guys, that’s it. That’s it. I am going to go ahead and sign off. Thanks for fan growing with me on the no guilt fan girls podcast. Hope you’ll be back to finger with us again real soon.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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