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Monday Movie Minute: Is Joker For Kids? #JokerMovie

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A new comic book movie comes out and we’re all YES! I’m GOING! I need to see it! The kids too! Welllll… let’s pump those breaks when it comes to Joker. Is Joker kid-friendly? Absolutely not. And if you think the teens can handle it, let me tell you why I think that might not be a good idea. 

Is Joker Kid-friendly? Joker Movie Poster and podcast review

Monday Movie Minute: Is Joker For Kids? #JokerMovie

We gotta talk about Joker, kids (including parent movie review- you gotta know if this one is safe for kids & teens, right?! Right!)

This one is simple.

Look, I saw 10-year-olds in the theater and thought… what the heck are these parents thinking?! I had my judgey pants ON.

But then I realized, they are probably thinking DCU/MCU type movie.

Y’all: Joker is NOT DCU/MCU fare.

Don’t Do It. This one is not for kids and here’s why- in case the rated R thing was confusing you.


Where You Can Find The No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast

I’d love it if you’d subscribe, review and throw some of those 5-stars up there! Help other fangirls like YOU find the podcast- it’s no fun fangirling on your own, amirite?

There are always movies to review coming to theaters so there’s always something to talk about.

Speaking of: we’ve got a No-Guilt Fangirls Facebook group too. We’re cool, and if you’re cool with being cool, then come hang out with the cool kids!

You can subscribe and find this episode on

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Transcript For Monday Movie Minute: #JokerMovie

*Please note: this is unedited and transcribed by AI- so it’s not perfect. But, hopefully, it is helpful for those that prefer or have a need to read rather than listen.  – Patty

(transcript coming)

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