Avengers: Assemble For New End Credit Scenes In Re-Released Avengers: Endgame

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Beat Avatar. Beat Avatar. Beat Avatar. Pretty much my movie mantra this summer, TBH. Sure, that might sound bitter, but I don’t care- Avatar is just not worthy. That’s why I’m squealing over the announcement that we’re getting extra end credit scenes in re-released Avengers: Endgame this summer! Here’s when it’s happening- get your tickets- and stay through til the end of the line. 

Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: ENDGAME group shot

Avengers: Assemble For Extra End Credit Scenes In Re-Released Avengers: Endgame

You guys know how I feel about the Marvel movies– and how much I want the box office numbers to take out Avatar. Basically, I’m on team “Suck it, James Cameron.”

It might be the Marvel fangirl in me, but I really need this to happen. 

This news just broke from the good folks at Screen Rant, and I am so pumped. 

Have I seen the movie 3 times? Yes. 

Do I need to see it a 4th? If Avatar is still ahead by the numbers, then HECK YEAH. 

Whatever it takes, yall!

Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: ENDGAME hands
Marvel Studios’ AVENGERS: ENDGAME..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019

When Will Avengers: Endgame Be Re-Released?

From Screen Rant:

In an interview with Screen Rant during the Spider-Man: Far From Home junket, Feige confirmed Endgame will be re-released on June 28. While it isn’t an extended cut of the 3-hour epic, it will have extra surprises for people who stick around:

Not an extended cut, but there will be a version going into theaters with a bit of a marketing push with a few new things at the end of the movie. If you stay and watch the movie, after the credits, there’ll be a deleted scene, a little tribute, and a few surprises. Which will be next weekend.

Important Avengers: Endgame Reminders

Is Endgame ok for kids? Read my Avengers: Endgame Parent Movie Review here. 

Avenge the Fallen Memes: STILL awesome. Check those out. 

Bing Bong Avenge the Fallen Memes
Annndd… they went too far. BING BONG makes me weep every time!

The Best Avengers: Endgame Memes– spoilers here, but you know you need to see them! 

And the most important piece of information: when can you pee during Avengers: Endgame? I bring you the REAL info you need for this 3 hours plus movie experience (and I also cover when you can pee on all my other movie reviews as well!)

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