
Finding Dory | Movie Review and Activity Sheets

I have great memories associated with the movie Finding Nemo. This was early on in my mom career so to speak, and it’s always been a sentimental favorite in my house. It was the first movie for both my young sons and they absolutely loved it! When the announcement about Finding Dory came a few years ago,…

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Captain America: Civil War | Parent Movie Reviews

If you haven’t seen Captain America: Civil War, it’s time! Be sure to watch this before Avengers: Infinity War comes out on April 27. This is part of my Marvel Parent Movie Reviews: know if the newest Marvel Avengers movie is appropriate for your little superhero before you go!      If you haven’t caught up…


How I Met Kylo Ren | The Force Awakens Review For Parents

The Force Awakens Review For Parents (Non-Spoilers)   The Force Awakens Review For Parents Listen up, Kids. I’m going to tell you an incredible story, the story of how I met Kylo Ren.     Yes, it’s going to take awhile. It all started back in 1977- long ago in a decade far, far away.  I…