Star Wars: The Last Jedi Parent Movie Review
Spoiler hunters: this is not the post you are looking for. A true spoiler free The Last Jedi Review is going to be a challenge because we want to discuss ALL THE THINGS WITH YOU, but I promise I can wait until Thursday. As long as you promise to come back and talk about it with me then. Deal? Okay- here’s my Star Wars: The Last Jedi parent movie review so you know if it’s ok to take the kiddos to this one!
Table of Contents
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Parent Movie Review
My thoughts on if Star Wars: The Last Jedi is kid-friendly are shared at the bottom of this post, but I wanted to put down some overall all review thoughts as well.
If you want to scroll on by to the last section, you’ll find the Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review For Parents waiting for you! (I won’t get my feelings hurt, swearsies!)
I went into this movie with the high expectations that come with every Star Wars movie. I needed it to be good because my heart can’t take another Phantom Menace debacle. Sorry, George, but… I just can’t with that mess.
I might have even said a little prayer to director Rian Johnson (and all the gods of Star Wars) please let this be good please let this be good please let this be good!

From the reactions on Twitter after The Last Jedi World Premiere Red Carpet, it sounded like I had nothing to worry about. That’s a safe link, BTW. If you want to relive the red carpet, check it out! No spoilers in that post either.
So real quick side note: If you know me, you know I’m #TeamSpoiler. I love them! I will do the internet searches, scroll through Twitter, and try to find out what’s coming before I watch a show or see a movie.
I also read the last page of a book. I know, I’m a savage.
tl:dr Spoilers- I love them. But for this movie I specifically avoided them. I was kinda proud of myself, to be honest.
And I suggest YOU DO TOO.
I am purposefully going to be general in this review specifically to make sure nothing is spoiled for you. With one minor exception.
Porgs Are Adorable In The Last Jedi
That’s it. That’s all I’m going to spoil for you.
This is no Jar-Jar Binks moment, folks. You don’t have to brace yourself for cringe-worthy CGI animals here; they are just as cute as they were meant to be and if anything, the movie could have used a little more Porg.
Also- you might want to go ahead and order them on Amazon with this affiliate link now because your kiddos (and in my case, my husband) WILL be asking for their own Porg for Christmas.

L to R: Chewbacca with a Porg
Photo: Lucasfilm Ltd.
© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The Last Jedi Overall Thoughts
I loved it.
L-O-V-E-D this movie. It exceeded my expectations and I hope it will yours too.
Man, this no-spoilers thing is tough! Ha! There’s so much more I could add here but I really want to keep things under wraps as much as I can. So I’ll just discuss my personal thoughts on the previous movies.
Normally, Luke Skywalker annoys me.
I wasn’t in love with Poe Dameron in the last movie either.
And Kylo Ren wasn’t too scary to me in Episode 7. He was basically a child throwing tantrums.
Yeah, I know, take my Star Wars nerd card away. But it’s the truth.
The Last Jedi changed my opinions on all of the above. Especially Luke.
This movie absolutely shifted the course of the franchise on the awesome meter and it’s going to be a tough wait for the last installment.

The Women Rule in The Last Jedi
YASSSS Girlllll!
Was basically what I yelled in my head (and maybe out loud a few times) during the movie.
Strong women are all over Episode 8 and this momma cannot wait to take her two Star Wars loving daughters to this film.
Hollywood: bring us more of THIS, please.

Kelly Tran is a delightful addition and you will fall in love with her spunk and story.
Laura Dern has a strong role as Vice Admiral Holdo and she’s more than just a gorgeous addition to the cast. That hair, tho!
Gwendoline Christie as Phasma: y’all. She’s terrifying. As a Storm Trooper Captain should be.
Daisy Ridley can do no wrong when it comes to her portrayal of Rey. She’s even better in The Last Jedi than she was in Force Awakens (and I don’t think that counts as a spoiler, so don’t @ me!)
This was Carrie Fisher’s last Star Wars- and dare I say it? I think it was her best.
Princess General Leia: I hope this made you proud.

I say it again: YASSSS Girlllll! Thank you all for bringing this female power pack to the galaxy.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Parent Movie Review
Be sure to come back for more Parent Movie Reviews– they’re included in every movie review I write!
My kids are 14, 12, 10 and 6. Here are my recommendations for each age based on my children’s maturity levels. Is Star Wars: The Last Jedi Kid Friendly? Here you go…
Teen/Tweens (encompassing my three oldest ages) Should be good to go.
Unless they are highly sensitive, children in this age range will be able to follow the story and enjoy it.
They shouldn’t come out of it scarred in any way.
My daughter is sensitive to a lot of things, but I feel she will be able to process and handle this movie without an issue. And as a middle school girl, I hope she embraces all the girl power in this movie!
Proceed to the path of the Light Side, my friends!
6 to 9-years old Depends on the maturity level.
If they have seen and understood the previous movies, these Padawans are going to be fine.
There are the usual fight scenes and typical Stormtrooper deaths in this one. One “graphic for Star Wars” scene does occur, but there wasn’t blood involved.
Violence and action, yes, it’s here- but this isn’t Episode III level in my opinion.
You might have to explain a few things going on as it relates to the Force (not sharing spoilers, but I could see it confusing some smaller kiddos).
If your child of this age is highly sensitive, you may want to avoid the movie or screen it ahead of time. And in fact, I’d vote for this.
See it once, then see it again so you can answer all those questions.
I’ll take my youngest (who is 6-years-old and has seen the previous movies) but know I’ll also need to explain a few things going on. During a 2nd showing, I don’t mind the interruptions!
5 and Under This movie is long, yo!
If you have a little one who doesn’t sit for movies at home, wait for this one on video. Get a sitter and see it yourselves (hey, skip work if you have to because it’s THAT good!) but it might be too much for kiddos this age.
I don’t think kids this age will pick up on some of the nuances that the 6-9-year-olds might be bothered by, however. My kids were not that deep at this age, if you know what I mean.
I say proceed with caution in this age range. It’s not terrible but it is rated PG-13 due to space violence (?) so a child who only watches Thomas the Tank Engine may not be ready for this mature of a show.
Movies to Watch Before The Last Jedi
If you are planning on taking the family, but they’ve never seen the movies, I’d do a little homework first.
Here are my suggestions for the movies to watch before Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
After seeing this one, I stand by the main 4 I suggest at the end of the post.
Guys: This one is good. Epic. Amazing. Wonderful.
If you are already a fan, you are going to love it.
If you are not a fan, you are going to become one after this movie. Or else you are a robot and I can’t help you with that.
May the Force Be With You.
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STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI opens in theatres everywhere December 15th!
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Patty Holliday is a parent movie reviewer, writer, and podcaster living in the Washington, DC area. Her goal is to bridge the gap between casual fandom and picky critic with parent movie and television reviews. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.