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What To Watch First On Disney+: The World According to Jeff Goldblum Review


I ask you, what could be more genius about this concept? Take Jeff Goldblum, introduce him to some of the most iconic fandoms in pop culture, and see where his mind takes us. Your what to watch first on Disney+ list should absolutely include this show. This review of The World According to Jeff Goldblum will tell you why you need this in your life!

The World According to Jeff Goldblum on Disney+ poster

What To Watch First On Disney+: The World According to Jeff Goldblum

If you’ve been around my Marvel Moms group or listen to the Now Streaming Disney Plus podcast, you know I do enjoy a little Jeff Goldblum from time to time. 

Ok, all the time. I enjoy him ALL. THE. TIME. 

And this show was first on my what to watch on Disney+ list. Do I think it should be on yours?

Um, YES. 

What’s The World According to Jeff Goldblum On Disney+ About?

Through the prism of Jeff Goldblum’s always inquisitive and highly entertaining mind, nothing is as it seems in this new series. Each episode is centered around something we all love – like sneakers or ice cream – as Jeff pulls the thread on these deceptively familiar objects and unravels a wonderful world of astonishing connections, fascinating science and history, amazing people, and a whole lot of surprising big ideas and insights.

The World According to Jeff Goldblum Review

We can start with the obvious: it’s Jeff Goldblum. Pretty much, it’s all Jeff all the time in this show, and if Jeff is not your guy… well, we have somethings to discuss, friend. Ahem. 

But if you enjoy Goldblum’s quirky personality and quick wit, then you’re in for a treat with this Disney+ show, The World According to Jeff Goldblum. 

You might be like Jeff Goldblum if:

  • you ever wondered how denim was made
  • or how ice cream comes about
  • or how people get those sweet kicks.

I heard him described once as “always the most interesting man in the room- in any room” and this series supports that description. 

The World According to Jeff Goldblum review on Disney Plus
Photo: National Geographic/Martin Klimek

I think there’s a little Jeff Goldblum in all of us and this series explores the fascinating cultures surrounding some of Pop Culture’s biggest fandoms. 

And I am so here for it. 

I might have built this series up to be my most favorite thing ever when I heard about it- and I’m happy to report that it delivers. Within 20 seconds of the first episode, Jeff Goldblum purrs at us.  puuuurrrrrrrrrssss y’all.

And yup, that was it.

It was exactly as promised in my dreams and I couldn’t have been happier with the production level. It’s slick and fast-paced and has a lot of heart as well. 

We see Goldblum bring out the best and most inquisitive of others he interviews as well as shares the way his mind works.

Modern marvels and simple pleasures aren’t taken for granted by Jeff, and he reminds us that, yes, ice cream IS incredible!

world according to jeff goldblum Jeff joins synchronized swimmers
Photo: National Geographic/Eric McCandless

Plus, the places and subcultures he takes us to are mind-blowingly cool. Sneaker Con? I had no idea this was a thing, y’all.  

People will be talking about this one at work, on the subway, in the grocery store: don’t have FOMO. Put The World According to Jeff Goldblum on your Day 1 Disney+ watch list!

The World According to Jeff Goldblum Podcast Review On Now Streaming Disney Plus

If you’ve listened to the podcast before, you know how much both Andrea and I adore Jeff Goldblum. And we made sure this was the first show we reviewed on Goldblum+- errr, Disney+. 


Parent Review: What Ages Should Watch The World According to Jeff Goldblum on Disney+?

The World According to Jeff Goldblum is family-friendly for the most part. 

There are no swearing or violence issues in this show that would keep most families from watching it together. 

It is, however, steeped in Pop Culture. If you have concerns with consumerism or body modifications, for example, this might be something you hold off watching with younger children. Or pick and choose which show you’ll watch as a family. 

It’s appropriate for ages 8 and up as far as the content, the length of show, and how the information is presented. But I believe tweens and teens are going to be more the target audience for this one (and of course, women Gen X and older who adore Jeff Goldblum as yours truly does!)

The World According to Jeff Goldblum tatooing
Photo: National Geographic/George Lange

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