When Can You Pee During Argylle?

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Argylle is a fun movie, one you won’t want to miss a moment of! But sometimes you have to go, run and pee during a movie. When can you pee during Argylle? Here are our lists of best times to make that bathroom break dash.

parents guide for argylle

About Argylle

The greater the spy, the bigger the lie.

From the twisted mind of Matthew Vaughn (Kingsman franchise, Kick-Ass) comes Argylle, a razor-witted, reality-bending, globe-encircling spy thriller.

Bryce Dallas Howard (Jurassic World franchise) is Elly Conway, the reclusive author of a series of best-selling espionage novels, whose idea of bliss is a night at home with her computer and her cat, Alfie. But when the plots of Elly’s fictional books—which center on secret agent Argylle and his mission to unravel a global spy syndicate—begin to mirror the covert actions of a real-life spy organization, quiet evenings at home become a thing of the past.

Accompanied by Aidan (Oscar® winner Sam Rockwell), a cat-allergic spy, Elly (carrying Alfie in her backpack) races across the world to stay one step ahead of the killers as the line between Elly’s fictional world and her real one begins to blur.

Watch the Argylle trailer.

Parents guide to Argylle

age rating of argylle parents guide. woman sitting at desk using a computer.

Please Wash Your Hands When You Pee During Argyle

I know, I know.

But you’ve been Momm’ed. This info is super helpful for those who, like me, have a super small bladder.

But also do not want to miss a moment of the action or lines in the movie.

But please remember, especially today, to give that 20-second hand wash to whatever song floats your boat before you rush back into the theater.

age rating of argylle parents guide.

When Can You Pee During Argylle?

When you head into the theater to watch this incredible movie on the biggest screen you can find, knowing when you can pee during Argylle will save you from missing precious plot points or jump scare sequences.

This movie is just about 2 hours and 15 minutes long.

There’s a chance you may need to go, run and pee during this movie.

Emptying that bladder with these timing tips for getting a bathroom break during the movie will help.

Here are some suggested times to run, go pee and plan those bathroom breaks during Argylle.

Start the timer on your phone when the movie starts and take your bathroom breaks during these approximate times:

  • 11 minutes at the end of the author reading scene
  • 24 minutes during a long fight scene on the train (you get the idea after a the first few moments)
  • 43 minutes after the scene with the statue in the park
  • 47 minutes during another long fight scene
  • 54 minutes as soon as they get to the hotel
  • 1: 24 minutes when they arrive at the palace

Be quick about your business- you may lose a bit of chatter, but we tried to pick times that wouldn’t mess with the plot.

We can’t promise you won’t miss something, but we tried to find the best times to make a dash!

when can you pee during argylle?

Are There End Credit Scenes In Argylle?

Sometimes we advise you to go, run and pee when the credits roll, but to get back in time for the mid-credit or end credits.

And there is a short mid-credit scene in Argylle.

So stay through that scene, but you can leave right after!

argylle-cat. When can you pee during argylle

More Bathroom Breaks For Movies

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