
When Can You Pee During Birds of Prey?

Birds of Prey And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn is in theaters now- and it’s got to be on your list of must see movies. And trust me, you want to see it in the theater for the full experience. And what an experience it is! But if you are like me and know sitting for over an hour and a half straight without a bathroom break is almost impossible, I’ve got Birds of Prey Survival Tips for you. Here are my  non-spoiler suggestions on when you can make a break to hit the bathroom- look, you gotta know when you can pee at Birds of Prey!

When can you pee during birds of prey?

Hi, I’m Patty and I have the smallest bladder on the planet.

My special skills include knowing where the closest bathrooms are on a runDisney racecourse and at pretty much at any theme park you want to visit.

So when it comes to watching a movie, I need to know just when I can get up and go pee!

If this sounds like you, welcome, friend. 

Birds of Prey Survival Tips (ie, When Can You Pee?)

This movie isn’t too long- so you might be able to make it through without needing to get up and run to the bathroom. 

But in case you need to know when you can pee during Birds of Prey, I took notes. 

You are welcome. 

Look, I don’t want anyone to miss the best Harley Quinn Quotes from Birds of Prey!

So here’s what you need to know. 

when can you pee during the movie?


Tip #1: HOLD IT. If you can… 

Don’t drink in advance of the movie. Like, at all if you need to.

You know your body (or your kiddos!) best, so you know what that might mean to you.

I’d also avoid that Large $6.50 soda for the show, but that’s just me!

Tip #2: The Middle of Birds of Prey Is the Best Place To Go, Run, Pee!

This movie is full of action, and if the first scenes got you worked up and your kidneys got that shot of adrenaline and kicked things into overdrive: wait until about 30-35 minutes in before you run to the bathroom during Birds of Prey. 

When can you pee during the movies? movie theater seating

Tip #3: Sit Near the Aisle If This Is An Issue For You

But you probably know this tip and have been incorporating it in your movie-going life for years.

But thought I’d remind you to choose wisely so you can be quick!

Tip #4: Pee Fast- And Wash Your Hands

I mean… we’re all in a rush to get back to the movie but never too much of a rush to skip hygiene, amirite?

Yup, you’ve been mom’ed.

Sorry, not sorry.

when can you pee during Birds of Prey? When canary is singing

When Can You Pee During Birds of Prey?

Here are the moments that I think make the best go, run, pee! times for Birds of Prey. 

If you are getting squirmy, run right after the times listed and you should be good to go. (he he, get it? go?)

  • 26 minutes in when Canary is singing
  • 34 minutes in when Montoya finds Canary
  • 49 minutes during the jail sprinkler fight scene (it’s a great scene, but if you need to run, well, you’ve seen fights before!)
  • 52 minutes in when Harley gets a little too close to the evidence (extending the above fight scene)
  • 54 minutes when Harley and Cassandra are grocery shopping

After that, I’d pretty much stay seated so you can really enjoy the climax of the movie. 

go run pee during Birds of Prey jailhouse fight scene

When Can You Pee During the Movies?

I include this info in all my movie reviews. 

You can find a list of them here at the When Can You Pee During the Movies? tab on this site. 

When Can You Pee During Rise of Skywalker?

When Can You Pee During Spies in Disguise?

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