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When Can You Pee During Onward?

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When you gotta go, you gotta go! Even during a movie. This post is for those of us with small bladders everywhere: when can you pee during Onward? Here are the non-spoiler moments where its safe to run, go and pee during Disney Pixar Onward. Is Onward safe for kids? Read the parent movie review too before you head to the theaters on March 6, 2020. 

Disney Pixar Onward is it kid friendly? Find out if this is safe for kids

When can you pee during Onward? Here is the only content you need before seeing this movie.

When Can You Pee During Onward?

I love movies and I love to take my kids to the movies. 

What I don’t love is having to leave the movie to run to the bathroom. Who wants to miss the best Onward movie quotes from Barley?!

I wish I could always blame it on the kids, alas, my small bladder size is – wait for it- Legendary. 

Thanks, 5 babies! 

It’s kinda the worst to miss important moments because, well, I didn’t know!

So here’s the rundown on when it’s safe to go, run, pee during Onward, the latest Disney Pixar movie coming to theaters on March 6, 2020. 

when can you pee during Onward?

In Disney and Pixar’s “Onward,” Barley Lightfoot is a big, burly and boisterous 19-year-old elf who loves magic, his mostly dependable van Guinevere and his little brother, Ian—though he’s a little too confident as far as Ian is concerned. Featuring Chris Pratt as the voice of Barley, “Onward” opens in U.S. theaters on March 6, 2020. © 2019 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

Quick: Go, Run, Pee During These Moments in Onward

As always, make it quick!

But also wash your hands- because no movie is more important than good hygiene, kids. 

This movie is kinda long at one hour and 40 minutes long, so kids are going to need this info. 

So now that you’ve been momm’ed, here are the best moments to make a dash to pee during Onward.

when can you pee during Onward? Mom Lightfoot has the answer (and the spray bottle to calm the pet dragon down!)

BAD DRAGON – In Disney and Pixar’s “Onward,” Ian Lightfoot’s mom has his back—even when his hyperactive pet dragon, Blazey, is misbehaving. Featuring Julia Louis-Dreyfus as the voice of Mom, and Tom Holland as the voice of Ian, “Onward” opens in U.S. theaters on March 6, 2020. ©2019 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

  • 25 minutes in when the boys are in the van for the first time
  • 39 minutes in when they are looking for gas station (possibly miss a funny fight scene but it’s not plot necessary)
  • 56 minutes in after the Pawn Shop scene

Are There End Credit Scenes In Onward?

This Pixar movie does have a very long credit sequence (including those Pixar production babies- so cute!) but did it have an end credit scene in Onward?

Onward does not have a mid-credit or end credit scene. 

Feel free to run to the bathroom when the credits roll at the end of Onward!

Onward safe for kids? Parent Movie Review






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