When Can You Pee During Oppenheimer?

Oppenheimer is a BIG movie, one you won’t want to miss a moment of! But sometimes you have to go, run and pee during a movie. When can you pee during Oppenheimer? Here are our lists of best times to make that bathroom break dash.

When can you pee during Oppenheimer? Oppenheimer movie poster.

About Oppenheimer

Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX®-shot epic thriller that thrusts audiences into the pulse-pounding paradox of the enigmatic man who must risk destroying the world in order to save it.

The film is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and the late Martin J. Sherwin.

Watch the Oppenheimer trailer.

Check out the Barbenheimer memes.

Read the parents guide for Oppenheimer.

When can you pee during Oppenheimer? Man and women shown talking to each other in a close fashion.

Please Wash Your Hands When You Pee During Oppenheimer

I know, I know.

But you’ve been Momm’ed. This info is super helpful for those who, like me, have a super small bladder.

But also do not want to miss a moment of the action or lines in the movie.

But please remember, especially in this day and age, to give that 20-second hand wash to whatever song floats your boat before you rush back into the theater.

When can you pee during Oppenheimer?

When Can You Pee During Oppenheimer

When you head into the theater to watch this incredible movie on the biggest screen you can find, knowing when you can pee during Oppenheimer will save you from missing precious plot points.

This movie is just about 3 hours long.

There’s a chance you may need to go, run and pee during this movie.

Emptying that bladder with these timing tips on when you can get a bathroom break during the movie will help.

Here are some suggested times to run, go pee and plan those bathroom breaks during

When can you pee during Oppenheimer?

Start the timer on your phone when the movie starts and take your bathroom breaks during these approximate times:

  • 24 minutes when they are in the desert on horses
  • 39 minutes when they are back on horses
  • 48 minutes when talking to Rabi at Los Alamos
  • 56 minutes when Robert and Kitty are in the car
  • 1:18 minutes when a party scene starts
  • 1:40 minutes when it is raining (but be quick to get back)
  • 1:50 minutes during a celebration scene
  • 2:04 minutes after a meeting with Truman

Be quick about your business- you may lose a bit of chatter, but we tried to pick times that wouldn’t mess with the plot.

We can’t promise you won’t miss something, but we tried to find the best times to make a dash!

When can you pee during Oppenheimer?  Man sitting on a couch in black and white picture.

Are There End Credit Scenes In Oppenheimer?

Sometimes we advise you to go, run and pee when the credits roll, but to get back in time for the mid-credit or end credits.

There are no end-credit scenes in this movie. Feel free to leave as soon as the credits are over if you need to run to the bathroom.

When can you pee during Oppenheimer?

More Bathroom Breaks For Movies

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One Comment

  1. Because I am a 74-year-old diabetic with kidney problems, I will NOT be seeing Oppenheimer, as much as I would like to.

    I would agree with leaving out an intermission if all departments involved with this film were refused restroom breaks during their work periods.

    But knowing no one involved with the production was denied a restroom break, but I, a viewer am denied, I do not wish to pay the price of admission to have to miss out on part of the movie only to purchase a second ticket to see what I missed the first time around.

    Hollywood needs to consider the reality of the needs of some audience members when making these monstrosities without a break to allow us to void our kidneys.

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