When Can You Pee During Top Gun: Maverick?

Who feels the need, the need to pee during a movie? Look. This is one movie you may want to hold it as long as you can because there’s not a lot of downtime in this movie. But if you are taking the kids to see Top Gun 2 and need to know when you can go, run, and pee during Top Gun: Maverick this is the post for you. ps- check out the best quotes from Top Gun 2 here.

when can you pee during top gun maverick?

About Top Gun: Maverick

After more than thirty years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and dodging the advancement in rank that would ground him.

When he finds himself training a detachment of TOP GUN graduates for a specialized mission the likes of which no living pilot has ever seen, Maverick encounters Lt. Bradley Bradshaw (Miles Teller), call sign: “Rooster,” the son of Maverick’s late friend and Radar Intercept Officer Lt. Nick Bradshaw, aka “Goose.”

Facing an uncertain future and confronting the ghosts of his past, Maverick is drawn into a confrontation with his own deepest fears, culminating in a mission that demands the ultimate sacrifice from those who will be chosen to fly it.

Watch the Top Gun 2 trailer here.

when can you pee during Top Gun: Maverick
Tom Cruise plays Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in Top Gun: Maverick from Paramount Pictures, Skydance and Jerry Bruckheimer Films.

Please Wash Your Hands When You Pee During Top Gun 2

I know, I know.

But you’ve been Momm’ed. This info is super helpful for those who, like me, have a super small bladder.

But also do not want to miss a moment of the action, callbacks, quick quips… you get the gist!

But please remember, especially in this day and age, to give that 20-second hand wash to whatever song floats your boat before you rush back into the theater.

when can you take a bathroom break during Top Gun: Maverick? Talk to me, Rooster!

When Can You Pee During Top Gun: Maverick?

When you head into the theater to watch this incredible movie on the biggest screen you can find, knowing when you can pee during Top Gun: Maverick will save you from missing precious plot points or action sequences.

This movie is 2 and 17 minutes long.

There is NOT an end credit scene, so you can make a beeline for the bathrooms as soon as the credits start rolling.

Chances are unless you have a bladder of steel, you may need to go, run and pee during this movie.

Emptying that bladder frequently with these timing tips on when you can get a bathroom break during the movie will help.

Here are some suggested times to run, go pee and plan those bathroom breaks during Top Gun: Maverick.

when can you pee during top gun 2?
Tom Cruise plays Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in Top Gun: Maverick from Paramount Pictures, Skydance and Jerry Bruckheimer Films.

We can’t promise you won’t miss something, but we tried to find the best times to make a dash!

Start the timer on your phone when the movie starts and take your bathroom breaks during these approximate times:

Please note: For this one, we really encourage you to stay seated if catching any of the callbacks to the first movie is important to your viewing pleasure.

Because there’s a lot of them. And each one brought a smile to our Gen X faces.

And if your bathroom isn’t close, go once and hang in there for the rest of the movie!

  • 16 minutes when Maverick is dismissed
  • 30 minutes after Rooster plays the piano (go during the song if you are ok missing a callback or emotional moment)
  • 45 minutes when Penny and Maverick go sailing (best time to go and to NOT miss a callback!)
  • 1 hour in during motorcycle ride
  • 1:22 after the Rhetorical Question quote

After that point, hold onto your butts and keep them in the seats!

maverick in top gun maverick. is this one safe for kids?
Tom Cruise plays Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in Top Gun: Maverick from Paramount Pictures, Skydance and Jerry Bruckheimer Films.

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