
When Can You Pee During Bullet Train?

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Knowing when you can go, run and pee during Bullet Train will make sure you miss as little of the action as possible! But there’s a lot of action- so if you gotta go, you will likely miss something. We break down the best times to take your bathroom break during Bullet Train.

when can you pee during bullet train? bathroom breaks

About Bullet Train

In Bullet Train, Brad Pitt stars as Ladybug, an unlucky assassin determined to do his job peacefully after one too many gigs gone off the rails.

Fate, however, may have other plans, as Ladybug’s latest mission puts him on a collision course with lethal adversaries from around the globe—all with connected, yet conflicting, objectives—on the world’s fastest train.

The end of the line is just the beginning in this non-stop thrill ride through modern-day Japan from David Leitch, the director of Deadpool 2.

Watch the trailer for Bullet Train here.

Read the Bullet Train Parents Guide here.

Get the quotes from Bullet Train here.

bathroom breaks during bullet train

Please Wash Your Hands When You Pee During Bullet Train

I know, I know.

But you’ve been Momm’ed. This info is super helpful for those who, like me, have a super small bladder.

But also do not want to miss a moment of the action, Thomas The Tank Engine references, or pithy quotes from Brad Pitt’s character

But please remember, especially in this day and age, to give that 20-second hand wash to whatever song floats your boat before you rush back into the theater.

bullet train bathroom breaks

When Can You Pee During Bullet Train?

When you head into the theater to watch this incredible movie on the biggest screen you can find, knowing when you can pee during Bullet Train will save you from missing precious plot points or action sequences.

This movie is just about 2 hours and 6 minutes long.

There’s a chance you may still need to go, run and pee during this movie.

Emptying that bladder with these timing tips on when you can get a bathroom break during the movie will help.

Here are some suggested times to run, go pee and plan those bathroom breaks during Bullet Train.

pee during bullet train

Start the timer on your phone when the movie starts and take your bathroom breaks during these approximate times:

Please note: This movie is FULL of action sequences and finding good exit times WAS HARD.

If you’ve gotta run to the bathroom during Bullet Train, you’ll have to choose to miss some plot/backstory OR action fights. There’s almost no “down time” in this one.

So be quick about your business- you shouldn’t be too lost, regardless, as the plot isn’t too complex.

We can’t promise you won’t miss something, but we tried to find the best times to make a dash!

  • 24 minutes after Lemon and Tangerine find a dead body
  • 41 minutes after Lady Bug yells at a random lady on train
  • 1 hour in after the briefcase is opened
  • 1 hour 6 minutes after Lemon shoots someone
  • 1 hour 20 minutes after the scene with Tangerine
  • 1 hour 25 minutes when The Elder tells his story (missing plot, not action here)
  • 1 hour 32 minutes when Lemon is with Tangerine
when can you pee during bullet train

More Movie Bathroom Breaks

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When Can You Pee During NOPE Movie?

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When Can You Pee During The Batman (2022)?

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